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Cybersecurity for HR professionals | HackerEarth

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it.” ― Stephane Nappo

Look at the number and magnitude of cyber attacks that have taken place recently—from the Equifax data breach to the infamous WannaCry ransomware attacks.

If there’s one thing we know, it is that any kind of lackadaisical attitude toward cybersecurity will have dreadful consequences.

Despite the constant warnings, the alarming Breaking News, and the regular appeal toward maintaining cyber hygiene in our everyday online activities, we know very little about cybersecurity.

This e-Book examines the roles and responsibilities the Human Resources (HR) department has to play in ensuring the cybersecurity of an enterprise.

Table of Content

  • How cybersecurity helps your organization?
  • Cybersecurity laws and policies
  • Role of HR in managing Cybersecurity
  • How to create relevant cyber policies
  • Right tools for Cyber Securities
  • GDPR regulations
  • How to implement GDPR for your organizations

Details of the current cybersecurity scenario, why cybersecurity is important for an organization, global spending on enterprise cybersecurity, and more are thoroughly discussed, making it a valuable read.