For your Talent Acquisition team

For your
Talent Acquisition team

Role-relevant assessments
created and peer-reviewed by
a representative set of SMEs

Library of X000+ questions
including niche roles like FullStack,
Data Engineer and more

For your Engineering managers

For your
Engineering managers

Assess skills through
comparative analysis and
talent benchmarking

Eliminate unconscious bias,
and reduce manual errors
when spotting tech talent

For your Compliance and Legal teams

For your
Compliance and Legal teams

Documented assessment processes
demonstrate compliance with affirmative
action and equal opportunity guidelines

Add a local validation study to
further solidify your legal posture
when hiring

Understanding validity and reliability of coding assessments

Coding tests are used to establish a relationship between an applicant and the job. The validity of a test is determined by whether the skills that are being assessed in the test are related to the job requirements.

The reliability of a test is based on its dependability and consistency of assessing applicants based on specific skills. A test that yields similar scores for the same group of applicants who repeat the test is considered reliable.

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Understanding validity and reliability of coding assessments
Creating valid and reliable tech assessments the HackerEarth way
Content Creation And Review
Content creation and review

Our assessment content is meticulously crafted by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) with extensive hands-on experience in their respective fields. This content then undergoes a rigorous peer-review process by a diverse pool of SMEs, further ensuring its relevance and accuracy.

Field testing by I/O psychologists

Finally, our content is field-tested by our partner Industrial-Organizational (I/O) psychologists. These professionals analyze the results to ensure valid assessment of the intended skills and identify any potential bias.

Field testing by I/O psychologists
Job role to skill mapping
Job role to skill mapping

Our expert team, consisting of industry veterans and domain-specific specialists, meticulously maps job roles to the essential skills required for success. This ensures our assessments target the right skills for the roles you're hiring for.

Test-retest studies
Test-retest studies

We conduct comprehensive test-retest studies where individuals with relevant skills retake the assessments after a set period. High correlations between initial and subsequent scores demonstrate the stability and consistency of our assessments over time.

Built-in reliability measures

We utilize various automated features within our platform to continuously monitor and maintain test reliability, and address any potential inconsistencies in the assessment experience.

Built-in reliability measures
Meet our test validation and certification partners - ioPredict

HackerEarth has partnered with ioPredict, a California-based company specializing in psychometric analysis and test validation, to ensure the highest level of validity and reliability in our coding tests. ioPredict's advanced statistical models and psychometric analysis tools assess the difficulty, discrimination power, and overall effectiveness of our coding assessments.

The process helps identify and address any potential biases in the questions, ensuring fair and equitable assessments for all candidates.

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Let our certified assessments beat your tech hiring blues
For your Talent Acquisition team

Proven methodology

All tests are frameworked using
established test theory principles
and regularly vetted by experts

Industry-specific content that is
rigorously tested for relevance
and accuracy

For your Engineering managers

Continuous improvement

Advanced statistical algorithms
analyze key indicators for regular

Metrics like Cronbach's alpha
track the consistency of

For your Compliance and Legal teams

Job success prediction

Test content is verified to ensure
it measures the relevant skills for
the specified job role

Customer feedback on hired
candidates informs the predictive
validity of each test

Code doesn't know any bias

An adverse impact study of HackerEarth assessments revealed that our tests do not carry any implicit biases. The test revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in test performances between test takers of different genders, ages, pedigree or ethnicity.

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Understanding validity and reliability of coding assessments

Yes! Our experienced team of partner I/O psychologists can guide you through local validation studies and assist in maintaining your assessment programs over time.

Yes! HackerEarth's Customer Success Manager works with its partner I/O psychologists to guide you on how to put together a criterion study, including appropriate test setup, collecting survey results and publishing reports.

Absolutely! We have experts to advise on methodology, conduct statistical significance tests (like Z-tests to check for pass rates of different genders to understand how assessments are affecting diversity hiring), and support you through the entire analysis process.

Definitely! You can adjust them by adding/removing skills. For more specific question selection, work with our Customer Success and Professional Services teams.

We prioritize both deterrence and monitoring. Our proctoring and plagiarism features promote fairness, and certified assessments actively replace leaked questions, minimizing opportunities for outside help.