How To Hire A Web Application Developer

A web application developer tackles a wide range of challenges, including creating user-friendly interfaces, optimizing website performance, ensuring security against cyber threats, and integrating with databases and third-party services. Web applications have become integral to our daily lives. They offer convenient access to a multitude of services, from social media and email to e-commerce and productivity tools. These apps empower us to connect, communicate, work, and shop seamlessly. The shift from traditional desktop applications to web-based ones also allowed us to access services and information from any device with a web browser, eliminating the need for complex installations and updates.

Web Application Developers: Why are they needed?

In today's digital landscape, Web Application Developers are solving a diverse set of problems. They are enhancing user experiences, adapting to mobile and multi-device usage, implementing e-commerce solutions, and addressing cybersecurity threats. With the increasing reliance on digital technologies, online services, and e-commerce, companies across various industries are constantly seeking skilled web application developers to build and maintain their web presence. For example, companies like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and Shopify hire web developers to create and improve their online shopping platforms.

Skills required

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • React, Angular, or Vue.js
  • Python, PHP, or Node.js
  • Server-Side Frameworks
  • Databases
  • Git
  • Testinga and Debugging

Job titles

  • Front-end Developer
  • Back-end Developer
  • Full-stack Developer
  • Full-stack Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • Web Application Architect
  • Technical Lead

Web Application Developer Assessment

The most common assessment framework for Web Application Developers on HackerEarth includes

A combination of technical evaluations, coding exercises, and behavioral assessments. Here are some common components of the assessment framework:

Code completion tasks

During the Web application developer hiring assessment, code completion tasks can be very helpful. They let you assess a candidate's understanding of syntax and their ability to write correct and well-formed code. It can help gauge their understanding of fundamental concepts and other Web Application Developer skills.

Multiple-choice questions (MCQs)

In order to hire Web application developer who has the right skillset for the job, it's important to choose the right questions. A good way to assess a developer's technical knowledge of Web App Development concepts, language features, and best practices is through MCQs. They can help in evaluating a developer's understanding of web application fundamentals.

Project-specific questions

You can also include project-specific questions to assess a candidate's knowledge. It can vary depending on your requirements. To hire web application developer that best fits in your team, it's important to ask these specific questions. It can also help you assess the specific Web application developer skills that your project requires.

Language-specific questions

Web Application Developers can be asked questions related to programming concepts and web dev frameworks. Asking very basic and technical questions can also help assess the candidate’s knowledge and skill sets. It can help you assess the candidates and hire web application with good programming skills.

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Steps to Create a Web Application Developer Assessment on HackerEarth

  1. Log in to Hackerearth assessments
  2. Add questions from our library and create a test
  3. Send invites to candidates
  4. Evaluate our AI-assisted report and shortlist candidates

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Sample Questions to Ask a Web Application Developer

  • Write a function that takes a string as input and returns the count of each character (case-insensitive) in the string.
  • Create a function that calculates the sum of all the numbers in an array.
  • Write a function to determine if a given string is a palindrome.
  • Write a function to generate the first n numbers of the Fibonacci sequence.
  • Implement a function that removes duplicates from an array while maintaining the original order of elements.

  • What HTTP status code is returned when a resource is successfully created on the server?
    1. 200 OK
    2. 201 Created
    3. 204 No Content
    4. 404 Not Found

  • Which JavaScript framework is commonly used for building user interfaces and single-page applications?
    1. Angular
    2. Django
    3. Flask
    4. Spring

  • Which of the following is NOT a valid HTTP request header?
    1. Content-Type
    2. Authorization
    3. User-Agent
    4. HTML-Version

  • What is the Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), and why is it used?
  • What is the Django Admin site, and how do you register models for administration?
  • How do you pass data from views to templates in Django?
  • Explain the purpose of Django's built-in User authentication system.
  • What is template inheritance in Django, and why is it useful?

  • Explain the concept of the Virtual DOM in React and its benefits.
  • What is a functional component in React, and how is it different from a class component?
  • What is React state, and how is it different from props?
  • Describe the purpose of route parameters and query parameters in React Router.
  • What tools and libraries are commonly used for testing React applications?

These sample questions provided here are for interviewing early-experience talents. For more customized assessments for candidates with higher experience, you can contact our team at or request a demo here.

Guidelines for Writing Job Description for Web Application Developers

Job title

The Web Application Developer job description should have a clear and concise job title that reflects the role such as, "frontend developer", "backend developer", and “web application architect”.

Job summary

Provide a brief overview of the position, focusing on the essential responsibilities and objectives. Describe the main aspects of the role and how it contributes to the company's goals.


The Web Application Developer job description should outline specific tasks and responsibilities that the Developer will be expected to handle. This may include:

  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather and analyze project requirements
  • Design and develop interactive and responsive web applications using appropriate technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and relevant frameworks)
  • Create and maintain user interfaces (UIs) based on wireframes, mockups, or design specifications
  • Integrate and consume APIs, both third-party and internal, for data retrieval and interaction
  • Implement user authentication and authorization systems, including secure password storage and user sessions
  • Optimize web applications for various devices and browsers, ensuring cross-browser compatibility

Skills and qualifications

List the essential Web Application Developer skills and qualifications that candidates must possess, including, but not restricted to:

  • Proficiency in front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Experience with JavaScript frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, or Vue.js
  • Knowledge of back-end development technologies and frameworks (e.g., Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Django)
  • Understanding of RESTful API design and integration
  • Database management skills with SQL and NoSQL databases
  • Problem-solving ability, critical thinking, and a strong work ethic

Preferred skills

Mention any additional web application developer skills or qualifications that would be beneficial but not mandatory for the role. You can also ask for experience with specific tools, libraries, or frameworks.

Education and experience

In the Web Application Developer Job Description, specify the educational background and professional experience required for the position. This could range from a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field to several years of relevant experience.

Company culture and EVPs

Briefly highlight your company's culture, values, and any unique perks or benefits offered to employees that can help attract candidates who align with your company's ethos.

Application instructions

Provide instructions on how candidates can apply for the position. Include where to send their resume, portfolio, or other required documents. Another important things that a Web Application Developer job description should have is the deadline for applications, if applicable.

Equal Opportunity Statement

Include a statement affirming that your company is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusion. This will help the candidates understand your company better. And you might be able to get a good amount of applications who believe in the similar values.

You can incorporate gender-neutral pronouns like 'they/them' to promote an inclusive workplace. Additionally, it's beneficial to align your developer personas with your job profiles before advertising an open position. This approach ensures that your Web Application Developer job description resonate with a diverse range of candidates.

Download our guide for writing better developer personas

How to Conduct Web Application Developer Job Interview

Skill-first hiring requires that the developer interview process be designed to understand the candidate’s skill and experience in the given domain. You can consider the following guidelines when conducting a face-to-face interview with a Web Application Developer:

Conduct a real-time technical assessment

Usually candidates are given a remote assessment before the interview. However, using the interview platform to assess skills in real time will tell you a lot about the candidate’s communication skills and thought process. A web application developer interview assessment can help you gain more insights into the problem solving skills of a candidate.

FaceCode is HackerEarth’s flagship tech interview platform with a built-in question library you can use to test the candidate’s knowledge of development concepts. The built-in IDE environment can be used for assessing their ability to write clean, efficient, and maintainable code. You can also use the pair-programming method to observe their problem-solving approach, logical thinking, and attention to detail. It can also help you tailor a web application developer interview assessment.

Understand the candidate’s project experience and review the portfolio

During the web application developer interview assessment, explore the candidate's past and present projects. Focus on their personal contributions and the skills they used. Ask them to discuss a Web App project, detailing their responsibilities, problem-solving, and collaboration. If available, review their portfolio or code samples for coding style, documentation, and project quality.

Understand if they are a good culture and team fit

While technical skills are essential for a developer, the significance of cultural fit should not be overlooked. In a web Application developer hiring assessment, look for a candidate who not only possesses accurate coding abilities but also effective communication and collaboration skills to thrive in agile and collaborative environments. Evaluating a candidate's capability to work both independently and collaboratively in a team is crucial. A web application developer interview assessment will provide valuable insights into the candidate's problem-solving skills, communication, and adaptability, helping to determine their fit for the role and the team dynamics.

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You should always prioritize skills and real-world experience over certificates and degrees. Look for candidates who demonstrate proficiency in programming languages such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and have experience with relevant frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, or Vue.js) and server-side technologies (e.g., Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails). Hire Web Application Developer with strong problem-solving abilities, understanding of databases, and familiarity with version control systems like Git are crucial.

Additionally, seek developers with a portfolio showcasing past projects that align with your specific needs, as practical experience often trumps formal qualifications in the dynamic field of web development. Effective communication and collaboration skills should also be considered. This set of points should help you hire web application developers for your project.

A candidate should be proficient in at least one of the key technologies, such as JavaScript frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, or Vue.js) and server-side technologies (e.g., Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails) relevant to the specific job. However, the ability and willingness to learn new technologies and adapt to project requirements are equally important.

Flexibility in picking up new tools and staying updated with industry trends is a valuable trait in a web developer. Ultimately, a candidate's eagerness to expand their skill set to meet the demands of the job and projects can be as important as their existing toolset.

A Web Application Architect possesses a unique skillset that includes a deep understanding of web technologies, system design, and software development. They excel in designing scalable, efficient, and secure web application architectures. Their expertise in areas such as front-end and back-end development, cloud computing (e.g., AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud), database design, API design, microservices architecture, and DevOps practices sets them apart.

Web Application Architects tackle complex problems related to system scalability, performance optimization, security, data management, and integration across various technologies. They are needed to ensure that web applications meet business requirements and adhere to industry best practices. In organizations, they play crucial roles in leading development teams, making architectural decisions, and guiding projects from concept to deployment.

You can start by reviewing their portfolio of past projects, paying attention to the complexity, functionality, and variety of applications they've worked on. Web Application developer hiring assessment are also a good way to find the right candidate for your project. You should also ask the candidates to walk you through specific projects, discussing their roles, contributions, challenges faced, and solutions implemented. Inquire about their approach to problem-solving, code organization, and best practices. Conduct coding exercises or live coding sessions, requesting candidates to write code or make improvements to an existing piece of code before you decide to hire web application developer.

Request references from previous employers or collaborators to gain insights into their teamwork, and communication. For example, you could ask them to explain how they optimized database queries for a high-traffic e-commerce site, or how they addressed security vulnerabilities in a web application they previously worked on.

The requirement for web application development skills varies across different job roles within the tech industry. Companies hire Web application developers for their proficiency in front-end and back-end technologies, along with knowledge of JavaScript frameworks, HTML, CSS, and databases.

Web designers, on the other hand, focus more on UI/UX design, HTML/CSS expertise, and may have basic scripting skills. Full-stack developers are expected to have a well-rounded skillset encompassing both front-end and back-end development. Web application architects need in-depth knowledge of system design, cloud computing, and database architecture to create scalable and secure web applications. Quality assurance engineers require testing and debugging skills to ensure web application functionality and reliability.