How To Hire A Vue.js Developer

A Vue.js developer is a front-end web developer who specializes in using the Vue.js framework to build dynamic and responsive user interfaces. They excel in solving complex UI challenges by leveraging Vue.js components and its reactivity system. These developers possess strong skills in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. They also have a deep understanding of Vue.js concepts like data binding, directives, and state management. Vue.js was developed by Evan You in 2014 as a progressive JavaScript framework. He was inspired by existing JavaScript frameworks like Angular and React. The goal was to create a framework that combines the best features of these existing options while remaining lightweight and versatile.

Vue.js Developers: Why are they needed?

Tech giants like Alibaba, Xiaomi, and others have recognized the value of Vue.js and are actively hiring developers skilled in the framework. Vue.js developers are essential not just for their technical proficiency but also for their role in creating delightful user experiences. Moreover, Vue.js's clear and concise syntax, coupled with its well-documented API, allows developers to quickly grasp and contribute to projects.

Skills required

  • JavaScript
  • Vue.js
  • Vuex
  • Vue Router
  • Vue CLI
  • Debugging

Job titles

  • Front-End Developer
  • JavaScript Developer
  • UI Developer
  • Web Developer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Front-End Engineer
  • Vue.js Software Engineer

Vue.js Developer Assessment

The most common assessment framework for Vue.js developers on HackerEarth includes

A combination of technical evaluations, coding exercises, and behavioral assessments. Here are some common components of the assessment framework:

Code completion tasks

Code completion tasks are crucial in identifying skilled Vue.js developers. For example, a task might involve creating a Vue component with specific data properties and methods. It will demonstrate their understanding of Vue.js lifecycle hooks and reactivity. This targeted approach can help you hire Vue Js developer with technical competence. It will also ensure that they possess the necessary Vue Js developer skills.

Multiple-choice questions (MCQs)

MCQs may serve as a valuable tool in identifying proficient Vue.js developers. These questions assess their theoretical knowledge and problem-solving abilities. You can cover a range of Vue.js concepts, such as component lifecycle, directives, and state management. For example, a question might ask candidates to choose the correct Vue.js directive for two-way data binding. By presenting a variety of MCQs, you can efficiently hire Vue Js developer and evaluate their understanding of Vue.js fundamentals.

Project-specific questions

Project-specific questions are instrumental in identifying skilled Vue.js developers. During the Vue Js developer interview assessment, include questions to test their practical experience and problem-solving abilities. For instance, a question could involve describing how a candidate implemented dynamic routing in a Vue.js project. It will showcase their understanding of Vue Router and navigation guards. By delving into specific project scenarios, recruiters gain insights into a developer's hands-on expertise and application of Vue.js in real-world situations. These questions will ensure that you hire Vue Js developer who not only possess theoretical knowledge but practical skills as well.

Language-specific questions

Language-specific questions are instrumental in identifying skilled Vue.js developers. During Vue Js developer hiring assessment, you can delve into the nuances of Vue.js syntax and features. For example, a question might inquire about the differences between computed properties and methods in Vue.js. It will test the candidate's understanding of reactivity and performance optimization. By focusing on the intricacies of Vue.js, you can assess and hire Vue Js developer who has the knowledge and ability to leverage Vue.js functionalities effectively.

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Steps to Create a Vue.js Developer Assessment on HackerEarth

  1. Log in to Hackerearth assessments
  2. Add questions from our library and create a test
  3. Send invites to candidates
  4. Evaluate our AI-assisted report and shortlist candidates

Assess Vue.js Developers for free

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Sample Questions to Ask a Vue.js Developer

  • Complete a Vue component's data property and add a method for handling a button click.
  • Implement a conditional rendering in a Vue template based on a variable that toggles between true and false.
  • Set up a basic Vue Router configuration with at least two routes.

  • Which directive is used for two-way data binding in Vue.js?
    1. v-model
    2. v-bind
    3. v-if
    4. v-show

  • What does dynamic route matching in Vue Router allow?
    1. Matching routes based on user roles
    2. Matching routes based on parameters
    3. Matching routes based on browser type
    4. Matching routes based on authentication status

  • What is the primary purpose of Vuex in a Vue.js application?
    1. Handling component styles
    2. Managing application state
    3. Routing between components
    4. Defining component templates

  • Can you give an example of a scenario where you would use a Vue CLI plugin?
  • In what situations might you need to override the default configuration in a Vue CLI project?
  • How can you use environment variables in a Vue CLI project, and what purpose do they serve?
  • Explain the steps involved in building a Vue.js application for production using the Vue CLI.
  • What is the Vue CLI GUI, and how does it differ from using the command line interface?

  • Explain the concept of state management in Vuex. How does it differ from local component state?
  • Differentiate between mutations and actions in Vuex. When would you use one over the other?
  • What is the purpose of getters in Vuex?
  • Why might you choose to use Vuex modules in a larger Vue.js application?
  • Explain the concept of one-way data flow in the context of Vuex.

These sample questions provided here are for interviewing early-experience talents. For more customized assessments for candidates with higher experience, you can contact our team at or request a demo here.

Guidelines for Writing Job Description for Vue.js Developers

Job title

In the Vue Js developer job description, you should begin with a clear and concise job title that reflects the role, such as "Frontend Developer", "JavaScript Developer", and "UI Developer". Having a clear role can help you filter out candidates beforehand. And hence help you hire Vue Js developer whose tech stack aligns with your job requirements.

Job summary

A Vue js developer job description should include a brief overview of the position, focusing on the essential responsibilities and objectives. It should also cover main aspects of the role and how it contributes to the company's goals.


Outline the specific tasks and responsibilities that the Vue Js developer will be expected to handle. This may include:

  • Develop responsive and dynamic user interfaces using Vue.js
  • Collaborate with backend developers to integrate frontend with server-side logic
  • Manage state and data flow within Vue.js applications using Vuex
  • Implement and customize Vue.js components for reusability
  • Ensure cross-browser compatibility and optimize application performance

Including these key points beforehand can help you filter out candidates. And thus help you hire Vue js developer with the right skillset.

Skills and qualifications

List the essential Vue js developer skills and qualifications that candidates must possess, including, but not restricted to:

  • Proficient in Vue.js framework
  • Strong proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Experience with state management using Vuex
  • Knowledge of component-based architecture
  • Integration of RESTful APIs into Vue.js applications
  • Familiarity with frontend build tools like Webpack

Preferred skills

Mention any additional Vue js developer skills or qualifications that would be beneficial but not mandatory for the role. You can also ask for experience with specific tools, libraries, or frameworks.

Education and experience

Specify the educational background and professional experience required for the position. This could range from a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field to several years of relevant experience.

Company culture and EVPs

Briefly highlight your company's culture, values, and any unique perks or benefits offered to employees that can help attract candidates who align with your company's ethos.

Application instructions

Provide instructions on how candidates can apply for the position. Include where to send their resume, portfolio, or other required documents. Also, specify the deadline for applications, if applicable.

Equal Opportunity Statement

Include a statement affirming that your company is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusion.

You can incorporate gender-neutral pronouns like 'they/them' to promote an inclusive workplace. Additionally, it's beneficial to align your developer personas with your job profiles before advertising an open position. This approach ensures that your job descriptions resonate with a diverse range of candidates.

Download our guide for writing better developer personas

How to Conduct Vue.js developer Job Interview

Skill-first hiring requires that the developer interview process be designed to understand the candidate’s skill and experience in the given domain. You can consider the following guidelines when conducting a face-to-face interview with a Vue.js Developer:

Conduct a real-time technical assessment

Usually candidates are given a remote assessment before the interview. However, using the interview platform to assess skills in real time will tell you a lot about the candidate’s communication skills and thought process.

FaceCode is HackerEarth’s flagship tech interview platform with a built-in question library you can use to test the candidate’s knowledge of Vue.js concepts. The built-in IDE environment can be used for assessing their ability to write clean, efficient, and maintainable code. You can also use the pair-programming method to observe their problem-solving approach, logical thinking, and attention to detail.

Understand the candidate’s project experience and review the portfolio

During the Vue.js developer hiring interview, explore the candidate's past and present projects. Focus on their personal contributions and the skills they used. Ask them to discuss a Vue.js project, detailing their responsibilities, problem-solving, and collaboration. If available, review their portfolio or code samples for coding style, documentation, and project quality.

Understand if they are a good culture and team fit

While technical skills are essential for a developer, the significance of cultural fit should not be overlooked. The ideal candidate must possess not only accurate coding abilities but also effective communication and collaboration skills to thrive in agile and collaborative environments. Evaluating a candidate's capability to work both independently and collaboratively in a team is crucial. This assessment provides valuable insights into the candidate's problem-solving skills, communication, and adaptability, helping to determine their fit for the role and the team dynamics.

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When hiring a Vue.js Developer, look for candidates with a solid foundation in web development, including proficiency in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. A strong understanding of the Vue.js framework and its core concepts, such as component-based architecture, Vue Router, and state management using Vuex, is essential. Experience in integrating RESTful APIs, handling asynchronous operations, and ensuring cross-browser compatibility demonstrates practical application of Vue.js skills.

Familiarity with build tools like Webpack and version control using Git is beneficial. A Vue.js developer should showcase a portfolio of real-world projects, emphasizing their problem-solving abilities, code quality, and adherence to best practices.

While it's ideal for a Vue.js Developer to have experience with a variety of tools, it's not always necessary for a candidate to be proficient in all of them. A strong foundation in Vue.js, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS is paramount. However, familiarity with additional tools such as Vuex for state management, Vue Router for navigation, and build tools like Webpack can be beneficial.

Depending on the specific role and project requirements, expertise in one or more of these tools may suffice. What's crucial is the candidate's ability to effectively leverage the chosen tools to develop scalable, high-quality Vue.js applications.

A Vue.js Software Engineer possesses a versatile skill set essential for developing dynamic and responsive user interfaces. They specialize in the Vue.js framework, demonstrating expertise in component-based architecture and state management with Vuex.

Their capabilities extend to integrating RESTful APIs, managing asynchronous operations, and ensuring cross-browser compatibility. Familiarity with build tools like Webpack and Vue CLI, along with a commitment to continuous learning, keeps them updated on the latest Vue.js trends.

You can start by examining their portfolio to gain insights into the diversity and complexity of projects they've undertaken. Request specific examples of Vue.js applications they've built, focusing on functionalities, scalability, and user interactions. During the interview, inquire about their approach to problem-solving, version control practices using Git, and their familiarity with Vue.js tools like Vuex for state management and Vue Router for navigation.

Pose scenario-based questions to gauge their ability to handle challenges commonly encountered in Vue.js development. Additionally, consider a practical coding assessment or a review of their GitHub repositories to assess code quality, organization, and adherence to best practices in Vue.js development.

The demand for Vue.js skills varies across different job roles within the tech industry. For specialized roles such as "Vue.js Developer" or "Front-End Developer with Vue.js expertise," in-depth knowledge of the framework is a primary requirement. Titles like "Front-End Architect (Vue.js)" or "Front-End Tech Lead (Vue.js)" indicate a need for not only advanced Vue.js skills but also the ability to design scalable and efficient front-end architectures.