How To Hire A React JS Developer

React is a widely adopted and highly efficient JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was developed by Facebook and was first released to the public in 2013. It has since gained popularity for its component-based architecture and virtual DOM, which significantly improves performance and development efficiency. The library has evolved over the years, and its vibrant open-source community continues to contribute to its growth and improvements. React JS developers design and build interactive and responsive UI components, manage the state of these components, and ensure a seamless user experience. They work with JavaScript, JSX, and many other technologies to develop scalable and efficient web applications. They often collaborate with backend developers and designers to create dynamic and user-friendly web applications.

React JS Developers: Why are they needed?

React JS developers are in high demand due to the widespread adoption of React as a leading JavaScript library for building user interfaces. The need for React.js developers stems from the growing popularity of React in various industries. For instance, in the e-commerce sector, React is used to build fast and interactive shopping websites like Amazon. In the fintech industry, React helps develop secure and efficient online banking platforms. In the entertainment industry, React is used for building engaging streaming services. React JS developers can contribute to projects across diverse domains, addressing various business needs and delivering exceptional user experiences. React's versatility creates a strong demand for developers proficient in this framework.

Skills required

  • JavaScript
  • React.js
  • JSX
  • State management
  • Virtual DOM
  • Routing
  • Debugging

Job titles

  • Front-end Developer
  • UI/UX Developer
  • Full-Stack Developer
  • React Native Developer
  • Front-end Engineer
  • Web Application Developer
  • JavaScript Engineer

React JS Developer Assessment

The most common assessment framework for React JS Developers on HackerEarth includes

A combination of technical evaluations, coding exercises, and behavioral assessments. Here are some common components of the assessment framework:

Code completion tasks

Code completion tasks are an effective way to evaluate a React.js developer's practical coding skills. By providing them with a real-world coding challenge, you can assess their ability to write clean, efficient, and bug-free code. For example, you could present a task where they need to create a React component that fetches data from an API and displays it. This allows you to gauge their understanding of component structure, state management, API integration, and error handling. These tasks can can help you hire a React JS developer with good problem-solving skills. Additionally, code completion assessments help assess a candidate's attention to detail, coding style, and adherence to best practices. These points are vital in order to hire React.js developer.

Multiple-choice questions (MCQs)

Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) play a valuable role in assessing a React.js developer's theoretical knowledge and problem-solving skills. These questions can quickly gauge a candidate's familiarity with React developer skills and best practices. Furthermore, to hire React JS developer with a broad technical knowledge beyond React, MCQs can be very crucial. For instance, you might ask, "What is the primary advantage of using React Router for client-side routing?" This question evaluates their understanding of client-side routing principles, which is important for building single-page applications. By incorporating well-crafted MCQs into the React JS developer interview assessment, you can efficiently screen good candidates.

Project-specific questions

During the React JS developer hiring assesment, project-specific questions are instrumental. These questions can help you hire React JS developer with practical experience and problem-solving abilities. By asking candidates about their past projects and the challenges they've faced, you gain insight into their real-world application of React.js. For instance, you can inquire, "Could you describe a complex problem you encountered in a React.js project and how you resolved it?" This question encourages candidates to showcase their problem-solving skills and their ability to tackle issues that commonly arise in React development.

Language-specific questions

To hire React JS developer, language-specific questions are essential for evaluating their proficiency in JavaScript, the foundational language for React. By incorporating these questions during the React JS developer interview assessment, you can evaluate their core understanding and problem-solving abilities. For instance, you might inquire about JavaScript closures, like, "What is a closure in JavaScript, and how would you use it in a React component?" This question tests their grasp of advanced JavaScript concepts, which are often relevant when working with React. It can you find and hire the right candidate for the job.

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Steps to Create a React JS Developer Assessment on HackerEarth

  1. Log in to Hackerearth assessments
  2. Add questions from our library and create a test
  3. Send invites to candidates
  4. Evaluate our AI-assisted report and shortlist candidates

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Sample Questions to Ask a Data Scientist

  • Create a React component that displays a counter. Implement two buttons, one for incrementing and the other for decrementing the counter.
  • Build a React form component that collects user information.
  • Fetch data from a RESTful API and display it in a React component.
  • Create a React component that dynamically generates a list of items from an array.
  • Implement a simple shopping cart application using React's Context API.

  • What is the primary purpose of React.js?
    1. To manage back-end server operations
    2. To create interactive user interfaces
    3. To handle database operations
    4. To perform server-side rendering

  • In React, which method is used to initialize state and bind event handlers?
    1. constructor()
    2. componentDidMount()
    3. render()
    4. setState()

  • Which React feature allows components to share and update state?
    1. Props
    2. Context
    3. State
    4. Hooks

  • What is the difference between let, const, and var when declaring variables in JavaScript, and when would you use each of them?
  • Explain the concept of destructuring in ES6. How can it be applied to objects and arrays?
  • What are Promises in JavaScript, and how do they differ from callbacks in handling asynchronous operations?
  • What are ES6 modules, and how do they differ from CommonJS modules?
  • What is the purpose of template literals in JavaScript?

  • What is state management in React, and why is it important for building complex applications?
  • Can you describe how props and state differ in React?
  • Explain the concept of unidirectional data flow in the context of React and state management.
  • What are React Hooks, and how do they impact state management in functional components?
  • Explain the key components of a Redux application, including actions, reducers, and the store.

These sample questions provided here are for interviewing early-experience talents. For more customized assessments for candidates with higher experience, you can contact our team at or request a demo here.

Guidelines for Writing Job Description for React JS Developers

Job title

While preparing the React Js developer job description, begin with a clear and concise job title that reflects the role, such as "Frontend Developer", "JavaScript Engineer", and "Full-stack developer".

Job summary

In the React JS developer job description, provide a brief overview of the position, focusing on the essential responsibilities and objectives. Describe the main aspects of the role and how it contributes to the company's goals.


Outline the specific tasks and responsibilities that the React Js developer will be expected to handle. This may include:

  • Develop and maintain user interfaces using React Js
  • Collaborate with designers and front-end developers to create interactive web applications
  • Implement responsive design and ensure cross-browser compatibility
  • Manage state and data flow using state management libraries like Redux
  • Optimize application performance by identifying and resolving bottlenecks
  • Debug and troubleshoot issues, ensuring robust and reliable code

You can tailor these points according to your project requirements in order to hire React Js developer who is suitable for the job.

Skills and qualifications

Another important thing to add in the React Js developer job description is to the essential skills and qualifications that candidates must possess. Some of these points are listed below:

  • Proficiency in React.js and JavaScript
  • Strong understanding of HTML and CSS
  • Experience with state management (e.g., Redux)
  • Knowledge of front-end build tools (e.g., Webpack)
  • Familiarity with testing frameworks (e.g., Jest)
  • Responsive web design expertise

List all the necessary skills that the job requires in order to hire React Js developer whose tech stacks align with your project requirements.

Preferred skills

Mention any additional React Js developer skills or qualifications that would be beneficial but not mandatory for the role. You can also ask for experience with specific tools, libraries, or frameworks.

Education and experience

Specify the educational background and professional experience required for the position. This could range from a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field to several years of relevant experience.

Company culture and EVPs

Briefly highlight your company's culture, values, and any unique perks or benefits offered to employees that can help attract candidates who align with your company's ethos.

Application instructions

Provide instructions on how candidates can apply for the position. Include where to send their resume, portfolio, or other required documents. Also, specify the deadline for applications, if applicable.

Equal Opportunity Statement

Include a statement affirming that your company is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusion.

You can incorporate gender-neutral pronouns like 'they/them' to promote an inclusive workplace. Additionally, it's beneficial to align your developer personas with your job profiles before advertising an open position. This approach ensures that your job descriptions resonate with a diverse range of candidates.

Download our guide for writing better developer personas

How to Conduct React JS Developer Job Interview

Skill-first hiring requires that the developer interview process be designed to understand the candidate’s skill and experience in the given domain. You can consider the following guidelines when conducting a face-to-face interview with a React JS Developer:

Conduct a real-time technical assessment

Usually candidates are given a remote assessment before the interview. However, using the interview platform to assess skills in real time will tell you a lot about the candidate’s communication skills and thought process.

FaceCode is HackerEarth’s flagship tech interview platform with a built-in question library you can use to test the candidate’s knowledge of React JS concepts they claim to be familiar with. The built-in IDE environment can be used for assessing their ability to write clean, efficient, and maintainable code. You can also use the pair-programming method to observe their problem-solving approach, logical thinking, and attention to detail.

Understand the candidate’s project experience and review the portfolio

During the React Js developer hiring assessment, there are some key points to keep in mind. Delving into a candidate's past and present React.js projects is a highly effective approach to evaluating their suitability. This process allows you to hire React JS developer with good practical skills, and problem-solving abilities. It provides insights into their coding style, adherence to best practices, and the quality of their work. For example, by asking candidates to discuss a challenging problem they encountered in a React.js project and how they resolved it, you can gauge their analytical thinking and problem-solving capacity.

Understand if they are a good culture and team fit

Evaluating a React.js developer's cultural and team fit is essential for a harmonious and productive work environment. Consider organizing informal meet-and-greet sessions or technical discussions with the development team to gauge their rapport with potential future colleagues. This not only helps assess their ability to work in a team but also offers a glimpse into their personality and how well they align with your company's values and culture. In order to hire React JS developer who not only possesses the technical skills but also meshes well with the team is more likely to contribute positively and thrive within your organization.

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First and foremost, a strong foundation in JavaScript is a must. A top-tier React Js developer should have a deep understanding of JavaScript concepts and be adept at using ES6+ features. They should also demonstrate proficiency in working with RESTful APIs and have experience with state management libraries like Redux or Mobx.

Furthermore, experience in responsive design and an understanding of CSS and HTML are crucial. They should be well-versed in modern front-end build tools and workflows, like Webpack and Babel. Experience with testing frameworks, such as Jest and Enzyme, is a big plus. Above all, the ideal candidate should showcase a portfolio of projects that demonstrates their problem-solving skills.

While it's ideal for a candidate to have experience with all the necessary tools, it's not always a strict requirement. The most important factor is their ability to adapt and learn quickly. A candidate who has a deep understanding of React.js and JavaScript fundamentals but is less experienced with specific tools can still be a valuable asset to your team. For instance, if they haven't worked extensively with Redux but have strong state management concepts, they can quickly pick up the required skills.

However, the level of flexibility you can afford depends on your project's urgency and complexity. For mission-critical projects or positions, it's advisable to prioritize candidates with more comprehensive tool experience. Still, a motivated developer with a solid foundation can often bridge any gaps relatively quickly, making their potential contributions immensely valuable.

A skilled JavaScript engineer should possess a robust set of skills beyond just writing code. They should excel in core JavaScript concepts and have a deep understanding of its features and nuances. Proficiency in modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries is essential, with React, Angular, or Vue.js often being part of the skillset.

Strong problem-solving abilities, a grasp of design patterns, and proficiency in asynchronous programming are equally crucial. They should also be well-versed in debugging, optimizing code performance, and testing methodologies. Additionally, a JavaScript engineer should understand the importance of clean and maintainable code, version control systems like Git, and working knowledge of back-end technologies if they're full-stack developers. Effective communication and collaboration skills are vital for working in development teams, as software development is rarely a solitary effort.

Assessing a React.js developer's real-world project-handling skills is crucial in making an informed hiring decision. To do this, you should being by asking the candidates to walk you through their previous projects. Look for specifics: What was their role in the project, the challenges they faced, and how they overcame them. You should also inquire about the technologies and tools they used, the project's scope, and the impact on the business or end-users.

Another effective way to evaluate their skills is to request code samples or provide a coding task or challenge. This allows candidates to showcase their coding style, problem-solving abilities, and adherence to best practices. Pay close attention to the code's organization, readability, and efficiency. By examining their project histories and reviewing their code, you can gauge their practical experience. It will also help you understand their ability to handle real-world scenarios, and their commitment to producing high-quality React.js applications.

The required React Js skills can vary significantly across different job roles within the software development field. For a Front-End Developer, React.js proficiency is often a primary requirement. They should excel in building user interfaces, creating interactive components, and understanding the intricacies of React's virtual DOM. Additionally, knowledge of state management libraries like Redux or Mobx is essential for larger, complex applications.

For a Full-Stack Developer, React.js skills are also valuable, but the emphasis may extend to backend technologies. They should have a well-rounded understanding of both the front-end and back-end aspects of web development, which can include integrating React.js with a backend framework like Node.js or Django. On the other hand, a UI/UX Designer might require basic React.js knowledge to create prototypes and collaborate effectively with developers. In contrast, a DevOps engineer might only need a basic understanding of React.js for troubleshooting and deployment purposes.