Wrongful Termination

What is Wrongful Termination?

Wrongful Termination refers to an employer’s action of firing an employee in violation of legal or contractual obligations. This can include termination based on discrimination, retaliation, or violation of company policies or employment agreements.

Key Features of Wrongful Termination

  • Discrimination: Termination based on race, gender, age, religion, or other protected characteristics.
  • Retaliation: Firing an employee for engaging in legally protected activities, such as whistleblowing.
  • Violation of Contract: Terminating an employee in breach of an employment contract.
  • Lack of Due Process: Failing to follow company procedures for disciplinary actions and termination.

How Does Wrongful Termination Work?

Wrongful Termination occurs when an employer terminates an employee without just cause or in violation of employment laws or contracts. The affected employee may file a complaint with relevant labor authorities or pursue legal action to seek remedies such as reinstatement, back pay, or compensation for damages.

Best Practices to Prevent Wrongful Termination

  • Follow Legal Guidelines: Ensure all terminations comply with employment laws and regulations.
  • Document Performance Issues: Keep detailed records of performance issues and disciplinary actions.
  • Provide Training: Train managers and HR staff on legal requirements and fair termination practices.
  • Use Progressive Discipline: Implement a clear, progressive disciplinary process before termination.


An employee should consult with an employment lawyer and consider filing a complaint with the appropriate labor authority.

Yes, even at-will employees cannot be terminated for illegal reasons such as discrimination or retaliation.

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