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How to hire remote developers effectively

Ultimate Guide to Hiring Remote Developers in 2022

“We need to take a more flexible approach to both the workplace and the work we do; one that provides us both the physical and cognitive space to harness the incredible power, insight and experience we offer, but focused not on the  individual processes but instead on the overall outcomes our organisations are seeking to achieve.”  David Coplin, Chief Envisioning Officer of Microsoft UK

Why you need to hire remote developers

According to a recent survey, 43% of the 15,000 employees surveyed claimed that they spent at least some time working remotely in 2016, whereas this number was just 4% in 2012. 91% of developers prefer to work remotely where they feel more productive and 52% of employees say that remote work is more important than private medical care.

Here are a few reasons why you should hire remote developers:

    • Emergency preparedness
    • Helping employees improve independent critical thinking skills
    • Greater trust building
    • Increased diversity and inclusion

Remote work is expected to become the future and employees are increasingly showing their interest in grabbing opportunities which offer flexible workplaces and working hours. HR and Talent Acquisition professionals are working on identifying reliable ways to attract and hire remote development teams.

The aim of this eBook is to educate about the positive impact of technology and talent assessment software on hiring remote developers.

Not sure how to hire remote developers? Download the ebook to learn more about –

  • Remote work
  • Talent Assessment Software (TAS)
  • Talent Assessment Software and remote working
  • Advantages of remote working
  • Benefits of using TAS for remote hiring