X-Ray Search

What is X-Ray Search?

X-Ray Search is a search technique used by recruiters to find profiles and resumes on specific websites using advanced search engine queries. It leverages search engine operators to uncover hidden information not easily accessible through standard searches.

Key Features of X-Ray Search

  1. Advanced Search Operators: Uses operators like “site:”, “intitle:”, and “inurl:” to refine searches.
  2. Targeted Results: Focuses on specific websites to find relevant candidate profiles.
  3. Boolean Logic: Combines keywords with Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) for precise searches.
  4. Efficiency: Saves time by quickly identifying potential candidates on niche websites.

How X-Ray Search Works

X-Ray search involves using search engines like Google to perform targeted searches on specific websites. For example, a recruiter might use the query “site.com AND ‘software engineer’ AND ‘New York'” to find software engineers in New York on LinkedIn. This technique helps recruiters uncover profiles and resumes that might not be found through traditional search methods.

Best Practices for X-Ray Search

  1. Refine Keywords: Use specific and relevant keywords to narrow down search results.
  2. Combine Operators: Utilize multiple search operators to filter results effectively.
  3. Stay Updated: Keep abreast of changes in search engine algorithms and website structures.
  4. Practice: Regularly practice X-Ray search techniques to improve proficiency and efficiency.


Common operators include "site:" to target specific websites, "intitle:" to search within titles, and "inurl:" to search within URLs.

X-Ray search is useful for recruiters because it allows them to find hidden profiles and resumes on specific websites, expanding their candidate pool and increasing the chances of finding the right fit.

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