Safe Exam Browser (SEB)

Safe Exam Browser Definition:

Safe Exam Browser (SEB) is a specialized web browser designed to provide a secure and controlled online environment for examinations. It restricts access to unauthorized resources, prevents the use of external applications, and safeguards the integrity of online assessments.

How Does Safe Exam Browser Work:

Safe Exam Browser operates by isolating the user’s online activity, limiting access to specified websites and applications during an exam. It offers features such as full-screen mode, keyboard shortcuts restriction, and disabling external links to ensure a focused and secure testing environment. SEB is often used in conjunction with online assessment platforms to maintain the integrity of exams.

Key Features of Safe Exam Browser:

  • Full-Screen Mode: SEB allows exams to be conducted in full-screen mode, minimizing distractions and focusing the user solely on the assessment.
  • Website Whitelisting: Only approved websites and resources are accessible during the exam, preventing unauthorized access to external information.
  • Keyboard Shortcut Restrictions: SEB disables certain keyboard shortcuts, preventing users from navigating away from the exam or using shortcuts to access external applications.

Best Practices of Safe Exam Browser:

  • Pre-Exam Configuration: Ensure that SEB is configured appropriately before the exam, including whitelisting authorized websites and setting up any specific exam parameters.
  • User Guidance: Provide clear instructions to users on how to download, install, and use Safe Exam Browser to eliminate any confusion or technical issues during the exam.


While SEB is primarily designed for online exams, it may be configured to support offline exams with proper setup and configuration.

Yes, Safe Exam Browser is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, providing flexibility for different user environments.

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