Lateral Move

Lateral Move Meaning

A lateral move in the world of HR refers to when an employee transitions to a different role or department within the same organization, typically at the same level of seniority and pay. This type of move can provide valuable opportunities for professional growth and skill development, without the need for a promotion or increase in responsibilities.

Lateral Move Key Features:

– Opportunity for Skill Development: Lateral moves allow employees to gain experience in different areas of the business, expanding their skill set and increasing their versatility.
– Retaining Talent: By offering lateral moves, organizations can retain valuable employees who may be seeking new challenges or a change of pace.
– Enhanced Collaboration: Lateral moves can foster collaboration and innovation within the organization, as employees bring new perspectives and ideas from their previous roles.

Lateral Move Best Practices:

– Communicate the Benefits: When proposing a lateral move to an employee, clearly communicate the potential benefits, such as skill development and career growth.
– Provide Support: Offer training and support to help employees transition smoothly into their new roles.
– Evaluate Performance: Regularly evaluate the performance and satisfaction of employees who have made lateral moves, to ensure that they are thriving in their new positions.

How Does Lateral Move Work?

An employee interested in making a lateral move can discuss their goals and aspirations with their HR department or supervisor. HR professionals can then assess the employee’s skills and qualifications, and identify potential opportunities within the organization that align with their interests. Once a suitable position is found, the employee can undergo any necessary training or onboarding to transition into their new role.


While a lateral move does not guarantee a promotion, it can provide valuable experience and skills that may make an employee more competitive for advancement opportunities in the future.

Employers can promote a culture of career development and growth within the organization, highlighting the benefits of lateral moves and providing support for employees who are interested in exploring new opportunities.

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