Lateral Hiring

Lateral Hiring Definition

Lateral hiring, also known as lateral recruitment or lateral transfer, refers to the practice of hiring employees from external organizations at a similar level of seniority or with similar skills and experience. This type of hiring differs from traditional vertical hiring, which involves bringing in candidates at different levels of hierarchy.

How Does It Work:

Lateral hiring typically occurs when an organization is looking to quickly fill a position that requires specialized skills or experience that may not be readily available within the company. This type of hiring can help bring in fresh perspectives, new ideas, and different ways of thinking to the organization.

Lateral Hiring Key Features:

1. Speed: Lateral hiring can often expedite the recruitment process, as experienced candidates are already familiar with the job requirements and responsibilities.
2. Expertise: By hiring externally at a similar level, organizations can gain access to individuals with specific skills and knowledge that may not be present within the current employee pool.
3. Diversity: Lateral hiring can also help increase diversity within the organization by bringing in individuals from different backgrounds and experiences.
4. Succession Planning: Lateral hiring can help organizations prepare for future growth and development by bringing in talent that can potentially move into higher-level roles.


Lateral hiring can bring in fresh perspectives, new skills, and diverse experiences to the organization. It can also help fill critical skill gaps quickly and efficiently.

HR professionals can effectively manage the lateral hiring process by clearly defining the job requirements, conducting thorough interviews, and ensuring that the candidate's skills and experience align with the organization's needs and goals. Additionally, providing support and training to help the new hire integrate into the company culture can also be beneficial.

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