Competency Gap Analysis

What Is Competency Gap Analysis?

Competency Gap Analysis is a strategic process used in human resources to identify the differences between the current competencies of employees and the required competencies needed to meet organizational goals or perform a job effectively. This analysis helps in understanding the specific areas where training and development efforts are needed to bridge the gap between current skill levels and desired competencies.

Key Features of Competency Gap Analysis

  • Identification of Required Competencies: Defines the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that are critical for the success of a role or the organization as a whole.
  • Assessment of Current Competencies: Evaluates the existing capabilities of employees through assessments, surveys, and performance reviews.
  • Gap Identification: Highlights the differences between current competencies and required competencies.
  • Development Planning: Informs the creation of targeted development plans and training programs to address identified gaps.

How Does Competency Gap Analysis Work?

  1. Define Competency Framework: Start by defining a clear competency framework that outlines the necessary skills and behaviors for each role.
  2. Assess Current Competencies: Use assessments, interviews, and performance data to evaluate the current competency levels of employees.
  3. Identify Gaps: Analyze the data to identify where there are significant discrepancies between the current and required competency levels.
  4. Create Development Plans: Develop tailored training programs, workshops, or mentoring schemes to address the competency gaps.
  5. Implement and Monitor: Roll out the development initiatives and regularly monitor their effectiveness in closing the competency gaps.

Best Practices for Conducting Competency Gap Analysis

  • Engage Stakeholders: Involve managers, employees, and other key stakeholders in the process to ensure accuracy and buy-in.
  • Use Multiple Data Sources: Collect data from various sources to get a comprehensive view of current competencies and performance.
  • Prioritize Gaps: Focus on the most critical gaps that have a direct impact on organizational goals and employee performance.
  • Continuous Review: Make competency gap analysis an ongoing process, revisiting competencies as roles and organizational needs evolve.


It helps organizations stay competitive by ensuring their workforce has the necessary skills to meet current and future challenges, improving performance and productivity.

Yes, it can and should be applied across all levels to ensure comprehensive development planning from entry-level positions to senior leadership.

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