Technical Interview

Technical Interview Definition:

A technical interview is an assessment method employed by employers to evaluate a candidate’s technical skills, coding proficiency, and problem-solving capabilities. It often involves solving real-world coding challenges, discussing algorithmic approaches, and assessing a candidate’s ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios.

How Does Technical Interview Work:

Technical interviews typically include coding exercises, algorithmic problem-solving, and discussions about a candidate’s past technical projects. Employers may use platforms like coding assessments, pair programming exercises, or on-site coding challenges to gauge a candidate’s ability to write efficient and accurate code under pressure.

Key Features of Technical Interview:

  • Coding Challenges: Candidates are presented with real or simulated coding challenges to assess their coding skills, logic, and problem-solving approach.
  • Algorithmic Problem-Solving: Technical interviews often involve discussions about algorithmic solutions, data structures, and optimization techniques.
  • Practical Application: Candidates may be asked to demonstrate their ability to apply technical knowledge to real-world scenarios, showcasing their understanding of coding principles.

Best Practices of Technical Interview:

  • Practice Regularly: Candidates should practice coding challenges and algorithmic problems regularly to build confidence and enhance problem-solving skills.
  • Understand Core Concepts: A solid understanding of data structures, algorithms, and coding fundamentals is essential for success in technical interviews.


Problem-solving is a crucial aspect of technical interviews. Employers assess a candidate's ability to approach challenges, devise efficient solutions, and demonstrate a structured problem-solving mindset.

It depends on the employer's policies. Some technical interviews may allow candidates to access online resources, while others may prefer a closed-book approach to evaluate independent problem-solving skills.

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