Lockdown Browser

Lockdown Browser Definition

A Lockdown Browser is a specialized web browser designed to secure online exams. It locks down the testing environment on a user’s computer, preventing browsing, searching, or accessing unauthorized tools. This browser ensures the integrity of online exams by restricting digital cheating possibilities.

How Lockdown Browser Works

The Lockdown Browser functions by running full screen, restricting students from accessing other windows or applications. It disables keyboard shortcuts, browsing options, and toolbar functionalities. Additionally, it blocks external ports to create a secure online exam environment.

Best Practices of Lockdown Browser

  • Ensure Compatibility: Before implementation, check the compatibility of the Lockdown Browser with the existing system and exam formats.
  • Clear Instructions: Provide clear instructions to students on how to install and use the Lockdown Browser.
  • Trial Runs: Conduct trial exams to familiarize students with the browser’s functionality and to iron out any technical issues.
  • Technical Support: Have a technical support system in place to assist students in case of any issues during the exam.

Key Features of Lockdown Browser

  • Full-Screen Mode: Prevents access to other windows or applications during an exam.
  • Disabled Functions: Disables keyboard shortcuts, external ports, and other functionalities that could be used for cheating.
  • Controlled Browsing: Restricts browsing capabilities to prevent information lookup during the exam.


No, Lockdown Browsers are generally user-friendly and come with straightforward installation procedures.

Yes, they are versatile and can be adapted for various online exam formats.

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