
What does a computer scientist do at ISRO?

Did you know that the Indian Space Research Organisation wants to “launch a single rocket carrying 83 satellites” in 2017?…

7 years ago

Components and implementations of Natural Language Processing

What is NLP? If you walk to an intersection of computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, and computer science, you are more…

7 years ago

Top 7 most popular programming languages to learn

*This blog has been picked up by the Economic Times Tech * Which is the most preferred programming languages or the top…

7 years ago

The return of Vim and Emacs

You might have already heard the news that we just released support for vim and emacs in our code editor.…

7 years ago

Top skills a full stack developer should have

Defining, describing, and drawing you a picture… I’m going to use the most popular example to define a full-stack developer.…

7 years ago

Machine Learning and Auto-Evaluation

Machine Learning In very simple terms, Machine Learning is about training or teaching computers to take decisions or actions without…

7 years ago

Gradient descent algorithm for linear regression

You are probably using machine learning a number of times in a day without even noticing. For instance, whenever you…

7 years ago

7 open source IoT operating systems that are democratizing the IoT space

The power of Open Source is the power of the people.  The people rule            …

7 years ago

HackerEarth Collegiate Cup ’16 – Results

HackerEarth conducted an annual Collegiate Cup for all programming enthusiasts across the globe, looking for the best programmers. The contest…

7 years ago

Collections and Defaultdict in Python

NSA whistleblower in exile, Edward Snowden, talks about how FBI could have reviewed 650K emails in less than 8 days!…

7 years ago

Algorithm on how to find the day of a week

  In 1970, John Horton Conway came up with an algorithm, often termed the “Doomsday Algorithm.” (Though it had no…

7 years ago

Why study data structures and algorithms?

Many young programmers scour the web trying to find answers to this question: How to study Algorithm and Data structure?…

7 years ago