
Why these 401 Indian GSoCers have got to make it count

In other news, the 10th edition of Google's prestigious Google Summer of Code program is about to kick off and…

10 years ago

The developer profile is open for everyone. And you’re going to love it.

A few months ago, we launched a private Beta of the developer profile. This was not just any product for…

10 years ago

Not everyone can be a programmer

Late last year and early this year, there was a huge campaign by, which brought together the biggest names in…

10 years ago

Why you should date a programmer

Disclaimer: This post is nothing but a light read for Valentine’s day. Women, please don’t take up arms. (That doesn’t…

10 years ago

Why the next Gates or Zuckerberg cannot come from India

If you were to take a list of the top 20-30 programmers in the world, you will quickly find that between…

10 years ago

Why do we not have enough women programmers?

Without being a sexist, if I were to ask you the number of intelligent women programmers that you know of,…

10 years ago

An API, an Ecosystem, a movement

When services like Codeacademy launched, its implications to the world of computer education was quite immense. There was now, a…

10 years ago