1711 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
1711 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

Winners are announced.

idea phase
starts on:
Sep 19, 2017, 11:30 AM ()
ends on:
Nov 05, 2017, 06:25 PM ()
starts on:
Dec 02, 2017, 04:30 AM ()
ends on:
Dec 03, 2017, 03:30 AM ()



  1. Is there a cost to register for the Hackathon? No. You do not have to pay to register for any Hackathon on HackerEarth.

  2. Are there specific qualifications required to participate in the Hackathon? If you love to code, then you’re qualified to participate in the Hackathon!

  3. How do I submit my idea for the Hackathon? You just need to develop the application on your local system and then submit it on HackerEarth in tar/zip file format, along with instructions on how to run the application and source code.

  4. Does the idea need to be fully working before I can submit it? The entire idea does not need to be fully working; however, your submission should be functional so the judges can review it.

  5. How would you describe your environment? Will it support any language? Will you provide an IDE and DB for us to work on ideas? As stated above, you just need to develop the entire software application on your local system and submit it on HackerEarth in tar/zip file format, along with instructions on how to run the application and source code.

  6. Do I have to be online and available for the entire duration of the Hackathon? No, you do not need to be logged in on HackerEarth or be online for the entire duration. You can develop the application on your local system based on the given themes and then submit it on HackerEarth on the specific challenge page.

  7. Since there is no specific technology mentioned, are there any restrictions on using pre-built libraries? There is no restriction on using any language, technology stack or libraries. You can use any of them to create the web/mobile application.

  8. Do I need to give a demo for the product that I have built? If you so choose, you can submit an optional brief presentation or video that demos your submission. However, it's not mandatory. If you are selected as one of the winners, you may be invited to demo your application in person at an upcoming event. Details will be shared with sufficient notice at a later date.

  9. Does a fully developed application need to have a solid backend for data storage (e.g., SQL, SharePoint) since it’s online? Is it acceptable to show the prototype? Yes, it's fine to submit just the prototype. If you use a database like MySQL or PostgresSQL, you can submit a database dump along with your submission. But yes, you can submit just the prototype.

  10. If we submit as a team, does that mean all team members will have the ability to login and work at the same time? Yes, all team members can login from their account and work on the application submission on HackerEarth.

  11. Who will own the IP (Intellectual Property) rights to the product that I have built? Please refer to the terms and conditions.

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