International Women's Hackathon 2019

6133 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
6133 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

Winners are announced.

idea phase
starts on:
Mar 08, 2019, 08:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Apr 25, 2019, 07:00 AM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
Apr 30, 2019, 07:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
May 21, 2019, 06:30 PM UTC (UTC)



The annual International Women's Day hackathon is back with its 5th edition - the IWH 2019.

This edition of the International Women's Hackathon focuses on being an all-women hackathon and a platform for them to showcase their true talents and build ideas in major sectors such as Financial Technology, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Blockchain.

Women are a highly underrated group in the STEM field. With only 20% of tech jobs being held by women, it is high time to bring about a change. Stereotypes, bias, lack of mentors, and the overall gender inequality are some of the major factors that hold women back from pursuing their interests and realizing their potential.

The International Women's Hackathon 2019 supports the UN's theme for International Women's Day - "Think equal, build smart, innovate for change," and promotes women developers around the globe. With that spirit, HackerEarth launches the IWH 2019 on the International Women's Day and invites women innovators, developers, creators, designers, and hackathon enthusiasts to showcase their projects to the world and take them to the next level.

Timelines and Roadmap of the International Women's Hackathon 2019

Sponsors of the International Women's Hackathon 2019

Partners for the International Women's Hackathon

Join our IWH 2019 slack channel to connect with fellow participants and innovators

Slack channel for IWH 2019



Voice Apps
Conversational commerce in Retail - Target

Conversational commerce in Retail - Target: Build a prototype that uses voice and enables conversational commerce in Retail. Conversational commerce could span across media (text or voice), channels (smart speakers, social, voice/ text-enabled app, etc) and serve our customers, vendors, agents, and employees.

Open theme: With the onset of speech recognition and the increasing trend of intelligent voice-enabled apps, the world as we know is changing. Voice apps are now not just used for creating personalized responses and individualized experiences but are also important for convenience, assistance, and security. Make use of this trend and build any idea under the theme of voice apps.

Voice Apps theme sponsors

Financial Services
Retail Banking

Open Theme: With digitization, software integrations, and technology breakthroughs, the future of financial services holds amazing opportunities. With digitization, software integrations, and technology breakthroughs, the future of financial services holds amazing opportunities. Create solutions to match the pace at which technology accelerates and make the banking sector evolve its methods and regulations.

Retail Banking: Create solutions that seamlessly connect all actors in the retail banking value chain by integrating and/or applying emerging technologies/platforms to improve the end customer experience.

Augmented and Virtual Reality
Transform Education

Transform Education: Use augmented and virtual reality to create immersive learning technology.

Open Theme: Ride the rising wave of AR & VR to build ideas across diverse sectors from small mobile games to high-end military applications.

Enterprise Software
Crowdsourcing platform

Crowdsourcing platform: Businesses look for new ways to cut costs. They depend on crowdsourcing sites for completion of many works at a low cost. Right from designing to image creation and software testing to even brainstorming, crowdsourcing has the potential to efficiently solve major challenges in every industry.

Open Theme: Category-defining enterprise software companies will emerge to solve problems for every vertical, every business size, and every job function. Create solutions for the challenges faced by organizations like businesses, schools, interest-based user groups, clubs, charities, and governments that not just have a huge market, but also a great potential to make a difference.

Blockchain and Distributed Economy
Blockchain for Identity Management

Identity Management: Many people have no way to prove their identity. Further, identity records are usually dispersed across multiple databases making it difficult to maintain a consistent and updated version of identity of a person across multiple systems. There is a need for a mechanism that provides a verifiable digital identity for these individuals. Blockchain at its core, is a new type of Database system in a way that allows multiple stakeholders to confidently and securely share access to the same data and information. Create a blockchain app that will manage the digital identity for individuals. The app will leverage the power of blockchain and should be further integrated with biometrics. Users can fill basic details like name, age, address, finger print, profession, etc. This registration can be viewed and approved by a government organization after validating the records. Multiple organizations can validate various data attributes. For eg, the RTO department can validate driving License details, universities can validate education details, etc. Users should have an option to selectively share the data he/she wishes to share (like biometrics, biographic data, education etc.) with anyone by selecting the data attribute and entering the ID of the third party.

Open Theme: The opportunity for blockchain to solve economic challenges is tremendous. Leverage this peer-to-peer platform for identity, trust, and financial transactions and build ideas that help reconfigure the notion of large corporations and redistribute prosperity among those with good ideas and perseverance.

Open Innovation

Security: Come up with the ideas on how we can use innovative technologies to make air, sea and land borders more secure and efficient by enhancing our knowledge and corresponding to risk factors related to people and goods seeking to enter the country, all while providing for enhanced customer experience.

Open Theme: An open-ended theme where the only restriction is your imagination. Build the ideas that you believe in and make a difference.

Prizes USD 17000 in prizes

Prizes, awards, and rewards for the International Women's Hackathon 2019
Voice Apps special prizes by Amazon Alexa

Main Prizes
First Prize
USD 7000
First Runner Up
USD 5000
Second Runner Up
USD 3000
Special Prizes
Best UI Design
USD 500
Best Idea
USD 500
Best Solo Project
USD 500

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