GAFX Hackathon

209 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 2
209 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 2

This campaign is over.

starts on:
May 02, 2017, 04:30 AM ()
ends on:
May 13, 2017, 06:30 AM ()


  1. What is the goal of hackathon?

    We want to create an environment that embraces new ideas and technology solutions for the Animation/ VFX /Gaming Industry. We know it may take you less than 22 hours to build a solution to the problem statement, but are providing ample time to try new ideas and complete the problem statement.

  2. What kind of Coding challenge will be given in the Hackathon ?

    As this event is Animation / VFX / Gaming industry related, the coding challenge will be related to solving a real-world problem using optimization driven by animation/simulation in a game engine.

  3. What is the registration fee?

    The registration fee for hackathon is as below:

    -Professional Category is INR 1000/-

    -Student Category: INR 600/-

  4. Is it is a team submission?

    The team size is specific to respective themes of the hackathon.

    -Team size of at most 2 members for Procedural Generation theme.

    -Team size is limited to 1 member for Simulation X theme

  5. How do I participate?

    You need to Register here for the competition and follow all the relevant guidelines, and important dates mentioned on the GAFX website.

  6. Is this Hackathon open for Students / Professionals? What if I am part-time studying and part-time working?

    The Hackathon has two separate categories – Students and Professionals. Be sure to select the appropriate category while filling the Registration Form. If you are a part-time student and part-time working professional, you will qualify under the Students category. You will be required to show your original student ID.

  7. How can I prepare for this hackathon — do you have any tutorials or areas I should focus on?

    Learn coding in C# Unity Game Engine. Revise machine learning and optimization concepts from comprehensive references provided under Learning Resources. You will need to either learn how to integrate external tools as plugins (e.g. OpenCV machine learning library can be accessed as Unity plugin) or prepare socket-data connections between Unity and your external optimization tool. Alternatively read up Genetic Algorithms or A* Search Tree if you want to implement entirely with Unity C# scripting.

    Also, there is a Unity Workshop organized on May 12, 2017 which will be conducted by Unity, as part of the conference. We will also have Unity representative to provide any game engine related mentorship during the course of the hackathon.You may attend the workshop on May 12, 2017, without having to register for the workshops or having to pay. You are however requested to block a seat for you in advance by sending an email to . Schedule of the workshop will be announced on this website. soon.

  8. When will the theme of the competition be announced? Will I be intimated by email about the same?

    Theme of the Hackathon and other specific details pertaining to this category will be revealed just before the start of the challenge on May 13, 2017. It is advised to arrive one and half hours prior to the start of the challenge.

  9. Will you provide any resources for us to work on ideas?

    Yes, the resources are provided for your reference under "Learning Resources" section.

  10. What are the timings for the Hackathon?

    The Hackathon starts at 10:00 AM on Saturday, May 13, 2017, and ends at 08:00 AM on Sunday, May 14, 2017. It is advised to arrive at the venue one and half hours prior to the start of the Hackathon.

  11. Does one have to be online and available for the entire duration of the Challenge?

    It's a 22 hour physical hackathon and you are required to be present at the venue to paticipate. The venue is:

    The Lalit Ashok Bangalore, Kumara Krupa High Grounds, Next to CM Guest House, Kumara Park East, Sheshadripuram, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001, India.

  12. I submitted my files before the deadline. Can I resubmit if I want to?

    Yes, multiple submissions are allowed till 8:00 AM on Sunday May 14th 2017. The latest submission made on or before the deadline shall be considered as final submission. Submissions made after deadline will be not be entertained.

  13. I have a question that I need an answer to. Where can I ask?

    Please Click here. to send us a message or shoot us an email to for any query related to Competitions. Consider allowing 2-3 days for your queries to be answered. Also, be sure to go through the FAQ thoroughly, chances are your question has already been answered. Be sure to mention Hackathon in the Subject Line.

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