Binary Search Tree

For a binary tree to be a binary search tree, the data of all the nodes in the left sub-tree of the root node should be $$\le$$ the data of the root. The data of all the nodes in the right subtree of the root node should be $$\gt$$ the data of the root.


enter image description here

In Fig. 1, consider the root node with data = 10.

  • Data in the left subtree is: $$[5, 1, 6] $$
  • All data elements are $$\lt$$ $$10$$
  • Data in the right subtree is: $$[19, 17]$$
  • All data elements are $$\gt$$ $$10$$

Also, considering the root node with $$data = 5$$, its children also satisfy the specified ordering. Similarly, the root node with $$data = 19$$ also satisfies this ordering. When recursive, all subtrees satisfy the left and right subtree ordering.

The tree is known as a Binary Search Tree or BST.

Traversing the tree

There are mainly three types of tree traversals.

Pre-order traversal

In this traversal technique the traversal order is root-left-right i.e.

  • Process data of root node
  • First, traverse left subtree completely
  • Then, traverse right subtree
    void perorder(struct node*root)
            printf("%d ",root->data);    //Printf root->data
            preorder(root->left);    //Go to left subtree
            preorder(root->right);     //Go to right subtree

Post-order traversal

In this traversal technique the traversal order is left-right-root.

  • Process data of left subtree
  • First, traverse right subtree
  • Then, traverse root node
    void postorder(struct node*root)
            postorder(root->left);    //Go to left sub tree
            postorder(root->right);     //Go to right sub tree
            printf("%d ",root->data);    //Printf root->data

In-order traversal

In in-order traversal, do the following:

  • First process left subtree (before processing root node)
  • Then, process current root node
  • Process right subtree
    void inorder(struct node*root)
            inorder(root->left);    //Go to left subtree
            printf("%d ",root->data);    //Printf root->data
            inorder(root->right);     //Go to right subtree

Consider the in-order traversal of a sample BST

  • The 'inorder( )' procedure is called with root equal to node with $$data = 10$$
  • Since the node has a left subtree, 'inorder( )' is called with root equal to node with $$data = 5$$
  • Again, the node has a left subtree, so 'inorder( )' is called with $$root = 1$$

The function call stack is as follows:

enter image description here

  • Node with $$data = 1$$ does not have a left subtree. Hence, this node is processed.
  • Node with $$data = 1$$ does not have a right subtree. Hence, nothing is done.
  • inorder(1) gets completed and this function call is popped from the call stack.

The stack is as follows:

enter image description here

  • Left subtree of node with $$data = 5$$ is completely processed. Hence, this node gets processed.
  • Right subtree of this node with $$data = 5$$ is non-empty. Hence, the right subtree gets processed now. 'inorder(6)' is then called.


'inorder(6)' is only equivalent to saying inorder(pointer to node with $$data = 6$$). The notation has been used for brevity.

The function call stack is as follows:

enter image description here

Again, the node with $$data = 6$$ has no left subtree, Therefore, it can be processed and it also has no right subtree. 'inorder(6)' is then completed.

enter image description here

Both the left and right subtrees of node with $$data = 5$$ have been completely processed. Hence, inorder(5) is then completed.

enter image description here

  • Now, node with $$data = 10$$ is processed
  • Right subtree of this node gets processed in a similar way as described until step 10
  • After right subtree of this node is completely processed, entire traversal of the BST is complete

The order in which BST in Fig. 1 is visited is: 1, 5, 6, 10, 17, 19. The in-order traversal of a BST gives a sorted ordering of the data elements that are present in the BST. This is an important property of a BST.

Insertion in BST

Consider the insertion of $$data = 20$$ in the BST.


Compare data of the root node and element to be inserted.

  1. If the data of the root node is greater, and if a left subtree exists, then repeat step 1 with root = root of left subtree. Else, insert element as left child of current root.
  2. If the data of the root node is greater, and if a right subtree exists, then repeat step 2 with root = root of right subtree. Else, insert element as right child of current root.


    struct node* insert(struct node* root, int data)
        if (root == NULL)    //If the tree is empty, return a new,single node
            return newNode(data);
            //Otherwise, recur down the tree 
            if (data <= root->data)
                root->left  = insert(root->left, data);
                root->right = insert(root->right, data);
            //return the (unchanged) root pointer 
            return root;
Contributed by: Vaibhav Tulsyan
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