Unisys Hackathon 20/20

2201 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
2201 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

Winners are announced.

idea phase
starts on:
Sep 24, 2018, 08:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Nov 04, 2018, 06:25 PM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
Dec 08, 2018, 02:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Dec 08, 2018, 07:15 AM UTC (UTC)



To view the shortlisted teams, please click here

Can you express more in a programming language than in other languages of the world? Does “data” make a good read for you? Python, Cobra and Viper don’t seem to spook you, are they your allies? If your answer is “Yes”, we might just have a great opportunity for the amazing tech superhero that you are. enter image description here

It’s time to put your cape on and play a One Day Hackathon (ODH) with Unisys. Come join the clan of disrupters and unleash your tech DNA to code a world beyond possibilities.

But before that, a little about us…

We are Unisys. We have an immense history of over 140 years and today are better known as a global information technology company that builds high-performance, security-centric solutions for the most demanding businesses and governments on Earth.

In 2009, we conceptualized Cloud 20/20TM, the flagship event of Unisys India, which has grown to be one of India’s biggest online technical project contests today. We began with the idea of identifying vibrant and exceptional technology innovators, by offering a platform to young talent from several educational institutions. If our journey excites you, you can also check out our e-book

Today, Cloud 20/20TM Year 10 is a compendium of several initiatives that brings together professionals and budding talent on the same platform, and where young minds are recognized for their unique ideas around the latest disruptive technologies.

Unisys Hackathon 20/20 is our country-wide hacking competition under the Cloud 20/20TM umbrella. We are here looking for master hackers who not only wrack their brains out of pure love and passion for technological innovation, but also believe their ideas can influence the way the world thinks. By being part of the 2nd edition of Hackathon, you will be the elite flag bearer of this amazing tech event.

Here’s the list of focus areas for the projects. Get ready to straighten out the question mark and turn it into an exclamation mark.

NOTE: This Hackathon is only open for participants with 3+ Years of experience.

Register Now!


Diagnose sensor health and predict downtime
Automatically validate identity without Identity card for organizations
Nano Segmentation

Diagnose sensor health and predict downtime

This is a known problem in IoT. There are thousands of sensors in numerous wireless sensor networks which are part of IoT installations. Many sensors are non-monitorable and inaccessible. Based on the recent data reporting by the sensors, the software should be able to predict sensor downtime. Also, one important point to consider is “where” you would want to place the software – possible gateways? Another way of looking at it - develop an intelligent gateway (software).

Automatically validate identity without Identity card for organizations

A smart alternative to checking identity cards or swiping them at the entry gates is installing an intelligent device (or a set of devices) or a software that can accurately identify the person passing through the gate. Thinking aloud, could your mobile be used in a novel way for identity validation?

Nano Segmentation

Create virtual segmentation of network with logical grouping of IoT devices with specific logical interactions and data collection/usage/processing. These logical segmentations will have to be dynamically configurable entities. Segmentations may also consider hierarchical grouping between various segments.

Artificial Intelligence
Smart City Public Transport
Predict the arrival of the next support issue for a product

Smart City Public Transport

A Smart City uses pre-paid cards for public transport. From this data find the number of people travelling from/to different stops and propose new bus routes, number of buses required and their frequency to efficiently handle the passenger load. Also, observe the rate at which passengers on each route are increasing. Predict the number of busses required to handle the passenger load in future and suggest when to buy new busses.

To give a broader prospective, you can also come up with a solution that calculates the number of people commuting within a specific route and depending upon the market information propose the means of commute. Qualify your views with substantial data which can be based on commute time, duration and/or economics point of view. Data can be crowd sourced.

Predict the arrival of the next support issue for a product

Products that are already being used by a set of customers, tend to report defects from time to time. Often these defects occur in the few specific components of the products. Also, some customer setups report more defects than the rest. The idea is to analyze the history of defect reports and come up with a prediction on the next possible issue.


Security as a technology can be applied to a wide variety of domains. You can design/implement your individual approach to security/security-manageability innovations as a protocol or framework for security implementations


Biometrics based Identification, Authentication, and Authorization mechanisms are transforming fast. Technological advancements in this space are transforming the use cases and also boosting the end-user acceptance. How you establish “Who you are” and “What you can do” is creating a very exciting future in terms of “What is possible”.

To authenticate the identity of end users using their smart phone, it is important to establish trust between both the entities - the end users and the second entity (government, organization, etc).

The complete solution should:

a. Suggest the user and smart phone pre-enrollment process, and

b. Deliver an application to use smart phone for authenticating the user

Safe Cities
Making Smart Cities Safe

We believe that because the smart city programs are already funded and well formed, it makes them ideal contract vehicles for safe city initiatives. We can adapt smart city technology for public safety agencies, allowing cities to leverage their investments to stand up for safe city programs faster and at less expense. Listed below are the desired outcomes and possible known gaps in making smart cities safer.

Desired Outcomes

• Enhanced synergy of existing Safe City solutions

• New marketable concepts to improve collective community security

• Ideas which help correlate Smart City programs to new Safe City projects

Known Gaps

Connecting the Public Safety Continuum

o Information systems still aren’t synergized

Sovereignty Concerns

o Borders from city limits to country crossings are porous

Lack of Sensory Consumption

o IoT information coordination is rudimentary

Citizen Force Multiplication

o The power of social media is underutilized

Cyber Crime

o Even if we knew the scope the problem seems insurmountable

Good Lost its Advantage

o Rebranding of police, fire officials as protectors is needed

Things are Different

o Infrastructure is aging, weather is worsening, the economy is lagging

Virtual Simulation
Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality simulation is the use of 3D objects and environments to create immersive and engaging experiences. Transport products such as Airline passenger service, Airline cargo, Airport operations etc. that deal with the multiple subjects, their movement, synchronization of information, Geo-location, and subject identification can be significantly benefited by the use of virtual simulation.

Its usage into product development is immense, they not only help in discovering the hidden business cases that can be incorporated into the product, but also play an important role during product testing with better visualization


Create solutions that seamlessly connect all actors in the retail banking value chain by integrating and/or applying emerging technologies/platforms to improve the end customer experience.

Three Use Cases in Retail Banking

⁃ Know Your Customer (process overview/pain points)

⁃ Payments (process overview/pain points)

⁃ Lending (process overview/pain points)

Current Experience/Process Pain Points

⁃ Process and Organizational Silos

⁃ Disintermediate Unnecessary Actors

⁃ Processes Centrally Controlled

⁃ Authentication/Identity

⁃ Legal Approvals

⁃ Transfers

⁃ Continuous Operations

⁃ Minimally Automated

Open Innovation
Open Innovation

Come up with the ideas on how we can use innovative technologies to make air, sea and land borders more secure and efficient by enhancing our knowledge and corresponding to risk factors related to people and goods seeking to enter the US, all while providing for an enhanced customer experience.

Use cases

Develop biometric capabilities that can support high throughput.

• Border security

• Immigration

• Learning more about people by drawing from a wider range of information including social and other media to determine risk.

• How do we build on that knowledge to create a "risk score“?

Prizes INR 2,25,000 in prizes

Main Prizes
1st Prize
INR 100000
2nd Prize
INR 75000
3rd Prize
INR 50000

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