Pride Hackathon 2020

517 Registered Allowed team size: 1
517 Registered Allowed team size: 1

This campaign is over.

idea phase
starts on:
Nov 01, 2020, 03:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Nov 30, 2020, 06:25 PM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
Dec 01, 2020, 03:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Dec 01, 2020, 05:30 AM UTC (UTC)





What is Pride Hackathon 2020?

First-ever LGBT+ exclusive Hackathon in India, a unique and a virtual safe space to Ideate, Collaborate, and find Solutions to Technical, Non-Technical, Social Good tracks, to secure internships, jobs and WIN exciting prizes. This will be an individual event.

Who can participate?

  • Anyone who is at least 18 years of age as on November 1, 2020
  • For the LGBT+ community* only (students, freshers, and working professionals with an experience ranging from 0 to 15 years)

For the Pride Hackathon 2020, we are looking for individuals who could bring in:

✅ Creative Ideas
✅ Unique Solutions
✅ Out-of-box thinking
✅ Ease of Implementation
✅ Potential Impact
❌ Coding knowledge or experience not mandatory

*Your identity and other details will be kept confidential. You need not be an OUT LGBT+ person to participate in this event.

Why Participate?

  • Get your resume spotlighted to the companies
  • Opportunity for Internships and Job Interviews
  • An opportunity to be mentored by seasoned industry experts
  • And, Win exciting prizes!

And, all of this for FREE!

How can you participate?

  • A participant can sign up for a maximum of 3 challenges which can be from the same track or different tracks (Technical, Non-Technical, Social Good). You should choose the one/ s that you are passionate about and would like to solve.
  • This Hackathon is an individual event and not a team event. You need to sign up and solve Problem Statements individually.
  • Click here for step by step instructions to register.
  • If you have any queries or questions, please write to

Want to know how to register, create your profile, submit your solutions, and more? Watch this video below:

Which are the 3 Tracks?

You can choose to participate in a maximum of 3 problem statements in any/all of the following:

  • Technical
  • Non-Technical
  • Social Good

What is the Judging Criteria?

  • Innovation and Novelty of the idea
  • Presentation of the Solution (in depth analysis and supporting data points)
  • Financial feasibility of the idea (minimum investment leading to maximum results)
  • Simplicity or Technical feasibility of the solution
  • Bonus points for any possible working prototype
  • Format - Your solutions can be submitted in either PPT, PDF, or Word Document format.

Additional evaluation criteria may be provided by companies in the problem statement.

Want guidelines or pointers on how to solve the Problem Statements? Watch the video below:


Social Good

1) Technical: Induction process

Streamline the candidate journey (candidate selection, interview process, and pre-onboarding process) to make it free from bias and more inclusive to the LGBT+ community, during the interview process for both the candidate as well as the interviewer.

2) Non-Technical: Inclusion at Atlassian

Propose a framework to create a more LGBT+ inclusive environment at the workplace. Your idea might include current challenges, baselines on company practices and policies, and recommendations.

3) Social Good: Employment Opportunities

Enable the transgender community to broaden the scope of employment opportunities (For Example - by removing bias from the interview). You need to understand the current roadblocks the community faces, in terms of opportunities and channels/platforms, and propose potential recommendations for the same.

Societe Generale

1) Technical: Data extraction using AI/ML

Utilizing AI/ML capabilities to develop solutions to tackle data extraction from different types of documents – PDFs, Hand Written, Docx etc. A system that can help navigate through the vast data stores to gain valuable business insights.

You need to propose an idea to design an AI/ML model:

  • To identify key words, patterns in documents based on user input
  • Input document can be pdf or doc
  • Documents may have images and hand-written texts
  • Should be self-learning after the initial supervision


  • You need to have indicative format of the output table that you can create on your own.
  • Submit a good and creative showcase of the solution (deck, video, etc.) along with the attached GitHub repo link to the solution.
  • Example: Historically, banks have collected large volumes of data about customers and their own internal operations. A significant portion of these documents is textual information recorded mostly for compliance reasons. This data might be siloed for different business functions inside a bank, and effective information search and discovery is challenging in its traditional form. AI systems could help navigate through the vast data stores to gain valuable business insights. We encourage participants to utilize AI/ML capabilities to develop solutions to tackle data extraction from different types of documents – PDFs, Hand Written, Docx etc.

2) Technical: Cyber Security

Submit a case study for use of open-source cyber tools in large enterprises. Goal:

  • Identify the best combination of open source tools to perform Static Application Security Testing (SAST).
  • Include Aspects – Tokens / Secret Scanning (Secrets in Code), Dependency Scanning (Vulnerable Dependencies used), Vulnerable Source Code (Vulns like SQLI, XSS, etc. in code).
  • Compatibility to integrate into CI/CD
  • Techniques to minimize false positive

3) Technical: Agri tech App

Propose an app/web-tool/platform design for farmers (collaboration/market place) to capture:

  • Details regarding Farmer, Field and Crop
  • Show analytics - Crops per region (Geo location), Yield per region and Price projections on items in region
  • Messaging feature for - Met alerts, Insect attack notification/alerts, Government alerts, Price alerts

Your solution will be evaluated/judged upon following parameters:

  1. Development skills - Tech stack knowledge and Quality of deliverables
  2. Architecture and Design skills - Cloud native, Micro services arc if applicable, Patterns used if relevant, System scalability, System resiliency
  3. Problem solving
  4. Team spirit
Social Good

1) Technical: Workspace management

Submit ideas to build a tool for cross team communication, tracking of dependencies and important milestones.

2) Non-Technical: Hiring and Referrals

Submit ideas to help the recruitment team to better track referrals and overall interview process.

3) Social Good: Employee management

Submit ideas to improve staff experience during hybrid mode (office & home) of working.


1) Technical: Gamified Allyship app

Submit an app based solution which Gamifies building Allyship in organizations globally. The learning path in the app can have trivia, quiz, scenario based questions etc. focused on sensitization, raising awareness regarding issues faced by diverse employees (special ability, LGBT+, women etc). App may also serve as a place to publish events organized by various networks, track membership and help measure NPS for events.

Must have features for getting shortlisted:

  • Usage of this App must boost engagement within employees.
  • Should delight users and encourage them to invite other employees to join.
  • Notifications and updates so that everyone has clarity on the progress being made and how it aligns with the company's values.

2) Non-Technical: Hack for COVID-19

Submit innovative technological solutions to help small businesses in India which are most affected due to the COVID-19 situation. Small businesses are facing existential threat and are struggling to get finances, experts who can guide them, and get customer empathy.

Constraint: This Intuit provided solution should help businesses connect with each other, learn from each other and experts and help each other.

Challenge: You don’t have money to help them financially.


1) Technical: IoT for Agriculture

Leverage the potential of IoT to improve the agricultural sector, like assisting with farming and increasing the productivity and efficiency with the use of connected technology for monitoring, disinfecting, harvesting, irrigation, and various other activities that are repeated and require a lot of manual inspection, treatment, and labour. Help farmers manage much larger farm space with a combination of crops and dealing with complex and varying climate/weather conditions with innovative solutions.

2) Non-Technical: Inclusion At Intel

Help the cross-functional HR Team to make Intel an Inclusive company. Design a way to increase inclusion and progression of persons with disability and LGBT+ community to grow, develop, and progress. Propose innovative, holistic, and feasible ideas, strategies, reports, etc. that can span across any one or all of the functions that can possibly be involved to further this goal.


  • Innovative Hiring solutions for tech skills
  • Holistic framework for inclusive onboarding & integration
  • Inclusive benefits and employee perks like compensation & benefits
  • L&D Initiatives to build capabilities
  • External and Internal Inclusion Branding Strategy for talent attraction and employer branding
Social Good

1) Technical: Sustainable society

Propose an innovative application/solution that aims to reduce an individual's carbon footprint. It can consider the identification of different renewable and nonrenewable resources and usage by individuals. It can include the consumption of non-biodegradable substances like plastics and suggest alternatives. You should also consider different ways to reward people for reducing carbon footprint to encourage them to do more on sustainability.

Ex: identify if a person drives for a short distance, then the app recommends walking/cycling instead.

2) Social Good: Grocery stores

During a pandemic, the way people buy groceries has changed. The availability of fresh produce and perishable food items becomes a challenge. There is a need for connecting cart vendors who are not tech-savvy onto a common platform so that they can be connected with consumers and provide a win-win opportunity for both. The paradigm has shifted for moving cart vendors where they now need to find the heavy density consumer areas and reach them. Considering booking perishable food items online through big vendors like Amazon doesn’t have guaranteed fresh produce delivery, wait time is more and the perishable fruits/vegetables are arriving in an unusable state. The cart vendors are also not getting the required sale for them to sustain.

You need to submit ideas that address the following challenges:

  • What can be done to help revive business for the vegetable cart vendors who are not getting regular customers?
  • How can they know the customer's dense areas and customer requests?

Note: PPT format preferred for submission

Pride Circle

1) Non-Technical: Resume collection process enhancement

Pride Circle places candidates in companies throughout the year besides the job fairs and wants to increase their candidate database. Usually, this is achieved by asking people to upload their resumes, create their profiles on Pride Circle Resume portal, have a job board to apply for specific job openings, or promote such job openings on social media. Right now, there are “X” uploads per week. You need to pitch an idea addressing “how do we make 5X uploads per week?” and how to reach out to more people to upload their resumes?

2) Non-Technical : Smart communication

Overview: Engaging and meaningful communication helps getting the right message to the targeted audience: Corporate, LGBT+ community (Job seekers, Entrepreneurs, Students etc.), NGOs/Partner organizations, Allies, etc.

Constraint: Not all members of the LGBT+ community are okay being tagged/featured on social media and folx are yet to distinguish with terms/identities that folx from the community associate with. Additionally, different platforms have different constraints on media and content being uploaded and there is a diversity in the audience on their preferred mode of communication.

Challenge: Leverage existing or identify new diverse platforms and propose an integrated communication strategy for online & offline engagement comprising of:

  • Email Strategy - Increase subscribers and Reduce the unsubscribers
  • WhatsApp Strategy - Engaging members on groups and Cold communication
  • Social Media Platforms Strategy - Increase Traffic & Followership, Reduce Non Followership, Increase referrals, Increase Engagement, Trending campaigns and Partnership with influencers (Individual or Group)

3) Non-Technical: Event conversion rate

Overview: Pride Circle runs a set of Skill Building Workshops bi-yearly. The current registration-to-attending conversion rate is only 25-30%. i.e. for every 100 folx registering for the workshop, the number of folx attending ranges between 25-30. Currently the effort being made for high attendance include - Registration confirmation, Mailers to the candidates giving details about the workshops, Calendar invites to those who registered, Email reminder to the learners 1 day before the workshop, and WhatsApp messages to the learners along with the workshop link on the day of the workshop.

Constraints: Keep events free to remove any economic barriers, reach as many folx across the country virtually, and bring sincerity in approach as few workshops have limited seats; when folx register and don’t show up, another deserving person loses the chance to join in.

Challenge: Propose solutions for:

  • Building a culture where folx do not sign up, if they do not plan on attending
  • How do we increase this to 80-90% attendees, which would help us to maximise on the efforts of the trainers, Pride Circle and thereby impact the learners?


1) Technical: Bring Out the best in you

Showcase any of your coding projects that you may have built this year 2020, that can be:
- Any idea of your interest and passion
- With any coding language (Ex: Java, C++, Python)
- Any specific skill or area. (Ex: Infosec, UI-UX, Gaming)

You may submit the walkthrough or explanation of your project, and not the prototype/demo.

2) Technical: Finance

Propose storage and file sharing solution that can be:
- On a Single platform
- Easy to access by all members of the finance organization (cross-border)
- Secured and structured platform
- Support customization/ restrictions on different access levels i.e. payroll folders can only be accessed by payroll & HR personnel etc.

You may submit the walkthrough or explanation of your project, and not the prototype/demo.

Prizes INR 200000 in prizes

enter image description here

Main Prizes
Winner: Technical (10)
INR 10,000

Vouchers and Gadgets worth INR 10,000 for the winner of each technical problem statement. There will be a total of 10 winners in this category.

Winner: Non-Technical (7)
INR 10,000

Vouchers and Gadgets worth INR 10,000 for the winner of each non-technical problem statement. There will be a total of 7 winners in this category.

Winner: Social Good (3)
INR 10,000

Vouchers and Gadgets worth INR 10,000 for the winner of each social good problem statement. There will be a total of 3 winners in this category.

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