The Orkes Hack

5145 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
5145 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

Winners are announced.

Prototype Submission Phase
starts on:
Mar 28, 2022, 12:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jul 24, 2022, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)



Netflix Conductor is a Workflow Orchestration engine that runs in the cloud. It is designed to be totally flexible - your microservices can run in any cloud, in any language, and Conductor can wire them together into a resilient workflow.

Conductor was built by Orkes’ founders while at Netflix and was then open-sourced, resulting in widespread adoption driven by a passionate developer community. A wide range of enterprises from Fortune 100s to startups depends on Conductor for mission-critical business cases.

Orkes is a cloud hosted, fully managed version of Netflix Conductor offering full compatibility with the open source version.
This hackathon utilizes Orkes Playground, a free fully managed browser based sandbox environment of Conductor.

Welcome to the The Orkes Hack where you have the opportunity to collaborate intensively on Netflix Conductor with creative minds from across the globe and win amazing prizes! 


Getting Started:

  1. Get familiar with Conductor concepts
  2. Create your account on Orkes Playground
  3. Write your first workflow based on the themes of the hackathon 
  4. Write your first worker in your IDE and execute. 
  5. Run your first workflow on the Orkes playground 


Minimum criteria for a successful submission -
Description of the workflow, 5 tasks, 2 operators and 1 successful execution of the workflow created

Open Innovation


Build any innovative workflow/app that showcases the power of conductor and solves a real-world problem. Extra points for innovation and impact of your proposed solution.

Tech Stack:


Submission format:

  • Description of your workflow
  • Link of a workflow with at least 5 tasks, 2 operators and 1 successful execution
  • Screenshot of successful execution


From Devs, for Devs


From Devs, for Devs is a concept that relies on collaboration and networked learning. Work on a solution that provides a place for that to happen.

As a developer - you often create small automated tasks to make day to day processes easier. For example, you may use some dev tools in this list regularly. Furthermore, showcase its work by solving it using your workflow.

Example: An engineering team has to resize images from a single raw file. To save effort, a dev wrote a sub-workflow that processes the raw file into different file types and then uploads it to S3 bucket.
Example here.

Tech Stack:


Submission format:

  • Description of your workflow
  • Link of a workflow with at least 5 tasks, 2 operators and 1 successful execution
  • Screenshot of successful execution


Riding the NFT wave


NFTs (Non-Fungible Token) are unique cryptographic tokens that exist on a blockchain and cannot be replicated. NFTs can represent real-world items like artwork and real estate. 

NFTs are hot because of their deep association with art, culture and original work.
To ride the NFT wave, build a workflow around minting, generating different filetypes, uploading, listing and other marketplace operations involving NFTs, 

Tech Stack:


Submission format:

  • Description of your workflow
  • Link of a workflow with at least 5 tasks, 2 operators and 1 successful execution
  • Screenshot of successful execution


Most creative workflows


Workflow helps in wiring up various tasks and operators that can present the business logic of an application. It helps in scheduling tasks, for example, creating a list of ongoing processes, the time required to complete a task, etc. It also becomes easy to check for problems, calculate the probability of problem occurrences, and assess specific tasks.

Leverage the power of conductor running in the cloud and create the most creative, out-of-the-box workflows using the Conductor playground.

Tech Stack:


Submission format:

  • Description of your workflow
  • Link of a workflow with at least 5 tasks, 2 operators and 1 successful execution
  • Screenshot of successful execution



Main Prizes
1st Prize
USD 2,000
2nd Prize
USD 1,000
3rd Prize
USD 500

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