NITI Aayog Pune Smart City Hackathon

3226 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
3226 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

Winners are announced.

idea phase
starts on:
Aug 10, 2018, 07:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Sep 16, 2018, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
Sep 29, 2018, 02:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Sep 30, 2018, 03:30 AM UTC (UTC)



To view the shortlisted teams, please click here

Update: The Hackathon event at Savitribai Phule Pune University starts on 29th September, 2018 and ends on 30th September 2018

In 2015, in an un-orthodox approach, 100 cities across India were challenged to compete against one another for fast-paced growth and submit a development plan. In this challenge, Pune city ranked 2nd among the hundred participant cities. The outstanding 45-day long plan was developed by engaging with over 3.5 million citizens of Pune covering 60% of the city population to understand their challenges and by engaging with experts to get insights and solutions for a smarter way of developing city.

Pune now envisages to solve these challenges by leveraging the power of crowd-sourcing. Pune Smart City is hosting its first ever ‘Hackathon’ in partnership with NITI Aayog – an event that will be a fast-paced challenge to develop technology solutions to citizen's leading challenges.

With an intent to co-innovate the solutions with the citizens, Pune Smart City invites the participants across the country to come up with inventive ideas and solutions. And guess what!! Pune Smart City incubates the best teams for refining the idea and deploying it in Pune and across India.

Put your thinking hats on and get a chance to co-produce the solutions to create real impact and influence the lives of citizens in Pune and beyond.

Team Guidelines

A good team would have the right mix of business and technology thinkers. As Smart city hackathon is a team event, the team is expected to develop and not just ideate the solution. Although Pune Smart city incubation center intends to provide necessary support to the teams, a good team would be self-sufficient to create (code for) the prototype.

Judging Criteria

The teams would be judged on following parameters:
1) Out of the box thinking (already existing vs new solution)
2) Completeness of the solution (stage: idea, development, prototype, deployment)
3) The practicality of the proposed solution
4) Cost-effectiveness of the solution
5) Ease of scalability
6) Sustainability of the solution
7) Quick to implement solutions would be appreciated


Cities across the globe, especially emerging markets, are witnessing significant urbanization. In the next 15 years, India will see about 200 million people migrating to cities, which is almost equal to the current combined population of the UK, France and Germany. To make the city a better place to live, Pune Smart City looks forward to solve challenges across five broad themes::

1) Water Management
2) Solid Waste management
3) Safety & Security
4) Public Health
5) Digital Connectivity

To solve challenges related to these themes, Pune Smart City Development Corporation Ltd (PSCDCL), the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) incorporated for implementing Smart City Projects in Pune, is hosting a HACKATHON in collaboration with NITI Aayog and other leading partners.

The Hackathon participants are encouraged to put on the technology hats and provide sustainable solutions for the city across the five themes.

To make this Hackathon a level playing field for all, the teams will be evaluated on two separate tracks depending upon the maturity of their proposed solution.

Track 1 - Solutionthon: The ideal participating team would be a solution provider with ready and mature solution. The team would be expected to provide/develop a working platform/model which solves for one or more of the priority areas (refer problem statements) listed under one of the five themes.

The best solutions would get a chance to pitch their product to smart cities for commercial implementation along with support in scaling up their solution. Further the Smart City Hackathon will be a great platform to help these teams in taking their products to market.

Track 2 - Ideathon: The ideal participating team would propose an innovative solution which is not yet developed or deployed. The team would be expected to come up with a working prototype of the solution which solves for one or more of the priority areas (refer problem statements) listed under one of the five themes.

Under this track, Pune Smart City will help the best teams to develop their prototypes into full-fledged products. Also, these teams stand a chance to get access to VC's and incubators for funding support along with the other supporting infrastructure.

Water Management

While the city has abundant water supply at an aggregate level, Pune’s mass-scale urbanization will result in a water deficit in the long term. Water supply was voted as the second most important issue in the Citizen Engagement survey conducted by Pune Smart City. Inequality of water distribution among citizens is identified as the main challenge; while around 85 percent of citizens receive more than 150 liters per capita per day (lpcd), 14 percent receive less than this amount on daily basis. This inequality is driven by lack of infrastructure (e.g., reservoirs, pipelines, monitoring equipment) in certain regions, for instance, about 30 to 35 percent is supplied as non-revenue water (NRW) due to internal leakages and lack of water meters thereby leading to excess consumption.

Pune city intends to solve this challenge in a sustainable manner. It has already taken several important steps in this regard like development of reservoirs and a distribution network to ensure equitable water supply, SCADA* based smart metering and command control center, waste water sewage treatment plants, and the improvement of nala pipelines. The priority areas identified within the water theme are:

1) Cleaning up of water sources – rivers and lakes
2) Increasing water storage capacity for Pune
3) Equitable distribution of water 24/7
4) Reduction in water leakages in the system by reducing illegal connections
5) Reduction theft of water in the distribution system
6) Improving collections of water charges, reducing arrears
7) Usage of Smart technology to meter and monitor usage of water
8) Rain water harvesting
9) Efficient grievance handling
10) Behavioral change of citizens
11) Give up ‘Water Subsidy’ campaign
12) 100% treatment of waste water before discharge and maximizing reuse of treated waste water

*Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a system of software to control processes, gather data and interact with remote devices

Solid Waste Management

Despite being one of the top Indian cities with 57% waste segregation at source, solid waste management was voted as the third most important issue in the Citizen Engagement survey conducted by Pune Smart City. The city generates around 2,200 tons of solid waste a day. This is expected to grow further due to mass urbanization and the addition of 11 villages into PMC’s governance. Managing solid waste is a significant effort on a daily basis with over 2,000 feeder points, 500 container bins in 350 bin locations, 600 garbage collection and distribution vehicles and 6,500 staff (of which 94% is field staff). Collected waste is transported through 7 ramps to 25 biogas plants, mechanical or composting plants, shredders, a wet waste bio CNG processing plant, a mixed waste treatment plant or the landfill.

Pune city intends to solve this challenge in a sustainable manner. It has already taken several important steps in this regard like the ‘Zero Waste’ initiative that promotes at-source segregation and recycling. Furthermore, through the ‘No Visible Waste’ initiative, Pune Smart City is improving collection by augmenting its fleet, mechanizing road sweeping, and implementing smart litter bins. The vehicle tracking solutions, departmental management information systems and grievance redressal system will further help in governance of these operations. The priority areas identified within the solid waste management theme are:

1) Ensuring 100 % segregation at source
2) Increasing recycling and reuse
3) Garbage pick-up based on demand
4) Improve scientific disposal of garbage
5) Behavioral change of citizens
6) Keeping streets and public spaces clean with ‘No Visible’ waste
7) Penalizing littering / spitting
8) Reducing public urination and defection on public streets and property
9) Ensuring 100% of the population have access to toilets
10) Availability of clean and hygienic public & community toilets
11) Increased vigilance and monitoring with the help of citizens
12) Governance and monitoring of Municipal field staff

Safety & Security

Citizens are already grappling with many urban challenges on a regular basis. Rapid urbanization is bringing along more challenges, including cities becoming more vulnerable to crime. Safety and security was a key issue raised in the Citizen Engagement survey conducted by Pune Smart City. Pune aspires to create a zero-crime area: a secure city that is safe for all sections of the society, particularly women, children and senior citizens.

Pune has been an innovator on multiple dimensions to solve urban challenges arising out of rapid urbanization. With citizen safety and security being identified as a priority in Pune, the city has taken on the challenge to resolve these challenges. It has already taken several important steps by deploying emergency call boxes across the city that can quickly connect a citizen to the command and control center. Pune city has also installed a public-address system, including flood sensors and variable message displays that can facilitate real-time communication with the citizens. Several other technology-led measures are on the drawing board like installing CCTV surveillance cameras at over 1,300 locations, a buddy app from Pune Police and various other methods of effective policing. However, more effective, technology-led interventions can be deployed to inspire confidence in Pune’s citizens. The priority areas identified within the Safety & Security theme are:

1) Increasing safety for women, children & senior citizens
2) Increasing road safety
3) Increasing fire safety
4) Improving city’s disaster management capabilities
5) Improving response time to citizen alerts
6) Enhancing safety measures in public transport
7) Enhancing safety in public spaces and gardens
8) Enhancing monitoring system for authorities
9) Enhancing communication systems with authorities in emergency
10) Safeguarding citizens against Monkey Menace

Public Health

Under the Smart City Mission guidelines, a smart city must provide healthcare access to all its citizens. Pune Smart City has also recognized this as a key implementation agenda for the city. Among the three levels of public healthcare – primary, secondary and tertiary, primary care is most crucial as it focuses on preventative and curative care, and reduces the long-term health risks for individuals. Pune aspires to be a "Healthcare for all" city: a city where every citizen is able to avail the basic healthcare facilities.

Pune has about 2.5 hospital beds/1,000 population, against the benchmark of 4 for urban India. Moreover, approximately 70% of the beds are in the private sector. In terms of primary healthcare centers (PHC), for a population of 60 lakhs, dispensaries and maternity hospitals provide a coverage of only 1 PHC per 1 lakh population against the norm of 1 PHC per 20,000. Pune has already started work on improving access to healthcare in the city through various initiatives such as mobile healthcare vans (currently covering 28 areas in Pune), Vasti clinics (currently 20 clinics to improve the healthcare access in slums) and implementing the Urban Poor Health Scheme (subsidized healthcare through the Urban Poor Health Scheme card). Pune now intends to implement smart solutions to increase the access of Primary healthcare. The priority areas identified within the Public Health theme are:

1) Increasing accessibility of PHC for citizens
2) Increasing utilization of healthcare infrastructure and staff
3) Managing medicine procurement and inventory
4) Reduction of pilferage of medicines and equipment
5) Making clinic processes more time efficient
6) Efficient record-keeping of patients
7) Enhancing preventive medication for citizens
8) Enhancing emergency care across all areas of the city
9) Efficient grievance handling
10) Ensuring hygiene and cleanliness at PHC's
11) Evaluation of staff and PHC's

Digital Connectivity

As one of the smart city initiatives Pune plans to increase the digital connectivity of the city to increase citizen engagement. The sharp focus on implementation, feasibility and impact will ensure that plans and proposals made are not just plans but real, effective solutions that will actually solve the city’s problems. Pune city has already installed more than 150 wi-fi hotspots which are accessed by 1.5 million users resulting in 2.65 TB of daily downloaded data. This comes along with installation of more than 700 digital elements including environmental sensors, flood sensors, visual message display units, public address, Emergency call box and Integrated Command & Control Center (ICCC) systems across the city.

Pune, in the next phase, plans to install multiple IoT devices across the city to further increase the two-way interaction between ICCC and citizens. However, the initiative should be self-sustainable with minimum dependence on state or central funds for developing this infrastructure. Also, the city wants to develop the connectivity infrastructure in a sustainable manner keeping it environment friendly and energy efficient. With the focus of connectivity for all, the priority areas identified within the Digital Connectivity theme are:

1) Providing cost-effective connectivity to citizens
2) Ideas to monetize connectivity and infrastructure to make it self-sustainable
3) Providing high-speed un-interrupted connectivity
4) Increasing ease of access and geographical reach across the city
5) Decreasing congestion on existing networks
6) Providing environment friendly and energy efficient connectivity solutions
7) Resilient to environmental hazards and calamities
8) Increasing citizen engagement and their interaction with central bodies

*Smart elements enable two-way interactions to capture data, transmit the data to ICCC and provide useful information to citizens.

Prizes INR 10,00,000 in prizes

The best team, each in Solutionthon and Ideathon, across all the five themes combined will qualify for a cash reward of INR 2 Lakhs each. Three more teams in each track may qualify for an award of INR 1 Lakh each in the event that the entries are adjudged to be of exceptional quality by the jury.

What's more!!! The teams stand a chance to be potentially incubated by Pune Smart City.

Main Prizes
First Prize for Ideathon
INR 2,00,000
First Prize for Solutionthon
INR 2,00,000
Special Prize (6)
INR 1,00,000

Three more teams in each track may qualify for an award of INR 1 Lakh each in the event that the entries are adjudged to be of exceptional quality by the jury.

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