3587 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
3587 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Sep 15, 2021, 04:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Oct 31, 2021, 03:59 AM UTC (UTC)


Winners are announced here

Intro Explanation:

The Flow FLIP Fest is a multi-month event that will engage and reward participants for creating innovative and effective improvements to Flow. A FLIP is a Flow Improvement Proposal; a community-driven initiative to discuss and execute impactful improvements on Flow.

The goal of FLIP Fest is to empower developers to build solutions on Flow that will have a lasting impact on the developer community. There are many areas to contribute, including: SDKs, learning tools, FCL Wallets, and more critical areas where participants will propose their solutions to specified needs. This also includes feature requests from businesses already developing on Flow.

FLIP Fest registration opens on Sept. 15, 2021, and will be open on a rolling basis until October 22.

What is Flow?

Flow is the blockchain technology for developers and consumers to empower a true open-world ecosystem. It is where entrepreneurs and global brands build a sustainable business for consumer-scale adoption. Flow is a fast, secure, and developer-friendly blockchain built to support the next generation of games, apps, and the digital assets that power them.

Projects currently built and coming to Flow include NBA Top Shot, Vault by CNN, UFC on Flow, and more!

Link to Flow resource center Flow Resource Center


  • Sept 15: Registration opens (Registration is open on a rolling basis and extended to October 22)
  • Sept 15: Buildathon starts
  • Oct 30: Submission deadline
  • Nov 15: Winner announcement

IMPORTANT: Please read the Getting Started section to understand how you can participate in this buildathon and contribute to FLOW

There will be a separate buildathon focused on protocol and Cadence contributions. Please join our newsletter to receive additional updates in the near future.

Join the community on Discord or ask FLIP related questions in the Discussion section on GitHub.



Local Development Tools:

Local Development Tools Developers spend the majority of their time deep in the local tooling on Flow while building their applications. This stream of work involves making these development workflows easier, faster, and ultimately inspire developer confidence in their logic and code.

Examples: CLI, Emulator, Block Explorers, Testing frameworks

Infrastructure Tools:

Blockchain introduces new sets of use cases that need to be handled to bridge the gap between the chain and an application. This track contains building tools and services that will aid applications in managing their on-chain interactions.

Examples: Wallet APIs, Self-hosted Events Provider


The Flow ecosystem wants extended functionality for the current SDKs as well as new SDKs for popular languages to grow the ecosystem. In this stream, you will be able to pick any of the existing libraries or create your own to bring it up to spec with our SDK guidelines and maintain it as Flow evolves.

Examples: Python, Ruby, C#, and more

Non-custodial Wallet Providers:

The non-custodial ecosystem of wallets is what power the user to freely move between experiences on Flow with ease. In this track, we're welcoming any teams that would like to build an FCL compatible wallet that demonstrates excellent user experience and security for users to use in any application on Flow.

Learning Tools:

Learning tools help reduce the complexity of onboarding onto Flow as a new developer. We're looking to expand our set of learning tools to cover a broader base of developers. This includes improving the experience on our playground as well as expanding our current examples to fit the needs of other developer communities.

Example: Playground, Kitty-items

Please check out this GitHub repo to see a detailed breakdown of each issue

Special Requests - Open Utility Wallet

The Flow ecosystem has been growing rapidly and in order to keep pace with the needs of its dApp developers, Flow is looking to onboard more wallet providers. In comparison to other chains, Flow does not require users to have a browser-based (web3) wallet in order to interact with its dApps.

Instead, Flow has built a universal authentication and authorization framework into its primary Javascript library - FCL. With over 50% of the applications on Flow using FCL as their primary authentication for users, it provides the opportunity for any FCL compatible wallet provider to also be automatically compatible with those dApps.

Currently, Flow has the following types of wallet providers:

  • Open Utility Wallets: A dApp is able to use these types of wallets for their users without any additional configuration or set up outside of FCL. Example: Blocto
  • Closed Utility Wallets: A dApp must register with the wallet provider before readily using the wallet for users in production. Example: Dapper Wallet
  • Limited Utility Wallets: Similar to an open-utility wallet but can only support a limited set of transactions such as just transferring or staking tokens. Example: Ledger
  • Custom Custodial Wallets: A dApp that has wallets that holds their users’ keys and manages most if not all of the aspects of authentication and authorization on behalf of the user. Example: Any Exchange

We are looking to expand the Open Utility Wallet category to support more FCL compatible providers that can also fill key UX gaps in the current non-custodial experience for dApps.

Please visit this link to learn more about how to apply for this challenge.

Protocol and Cadence Smart Contracts:

There will be a separate buildathon focused on protocol and Cadence contributions. Please join our newsletter to receive additional updates in the near future.


“FLIP Fest offers three tiers of projects to tackle, with Tier 1 being the most challenging and Tier 3 being the simplest. Each tier is split into milestones, which are checkpoints for the Flow team to: review your work, provide feedback, and give the final approval for completion. Select an appropriate tier project for yourself based on your current skills and available time commitment.

Best Solution Rewards

For teams that complete all the listed milestones for any issue, they will be automatically considered for the best solution reward. This reward will be given to the team with the best solution amongst any other team submissions that have also completed all milestones for that particular issue. All milestones must be completed and approved by October 30th, 2021 to be considered. The reward is based on the tier of the project that was being built. The winning team will also receive all 'Milestone Rewards' alongside this prize amount.

  • Best Solution - Per Tier 1 Issue: $50,000
  • Best Solution - Per Tier 2 Issue: $25,000
  • Best Solution - Per Tier 3 Issue: $5,000

Tier 1

  • A minimum of 4 milestones
  • Requires significant experience in a domain or language
  • May require a sophisticated understanding of Flow, its ecosystem, and/or other accompanying tools.

Tier 2

  • 2-3 milestones
  • Requires some experience in a domain or language
  • May require some understanding of Flow, its ecosystem, and/or other accompanying tools.

Tier 3

  • Single milestone
  • May require knowledge of a specific language
  • Usually a self-isolated task with limited knowledge needed outside of the given repository.

Milestone Completion Rewards

For completing a milestone that meets the requirements set by the project and the respective point of contact (POC), your team will be rewarded with a base prize amount. This base prize amount applies to each milestone you complete. Based on the tier, your project may not have all four milestones.

  • Milestone 1: $250 USD
  • Milestone 2: $1000 USD
  • Milestone 3: $2500 USD
  • Milestone 4: $5000 USD

*Note prizes will be distributed in FLOW token of equivalent USD value (we will use the daily average price for the month of Nov 2021 to calculate the conversion rate)

Main Prizes
$500,000 in FLOW prize pool

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