BTS Global Hackathon

3398 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
3398 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Oct 13, 2018, 06:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Nov 19, 2018, 06:25 PM UTC (UTC)


Shortlists for the international teams can be found here

Shortlists for teams from India can be found here

Dept of IT & BT, Govt of Karnataka is conducting a virtual Global Hackathon in collaboration with Global Innovation Alliance Partners and Startup Innovation Hubs from across the globe to create solutions that addresses local or global societal needs.

This year’s theme is ‘Innovation & Impact’. This event has always been a strategic platform for industries, technologies, and use cases worldwide to understand and to leverage the latest technical innovations.

After 30 days, top 20 winners of the Global Hackathon from across the globe will be invited to the Bengaluru Tech Summit.

Get ready to be a part of an event like never before, that will offer knowledge, networking and business opportunities from Thursday, November 29th – Saturday, December 1st, 2018 at Bengaluru Palace, Bengaluru, India.

Visit :

Hackathon Partner

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DigitalOcean Cloud credits worth $100 to each of the participants.

For the top 20 finalists, each finalist will be receiving $1000 worth credits. In addition, the top 20 finalists will also be receiving exciting goodies (T-shirts, stickers etc.).

Technology Partner

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Do you want to code something amazing.
More than 100 open source programs, a library of knowledge resources, Developer Advocates ready to help, and a global community of developers. Everything you need for the Hackathon.

To develop and deploy your solution on cloud, take the first step to register on IBM cloud for free. To speed up your development, use IBM's rich open source assets called Code Patterns. Find the code patterns for below technology areas here.


The mission of BTS Global Hackathon is to create technology solutions and initiatives, that will contribute to the social good and address the needs and challenges facing humanity.

Technology Domains:

  • AI
  • IoT
  • Telecom
  • Blockchain
  • Cyber Security
  • Intelligent Apps
  • Analytics, ML
  • Robotics, AR/VR
  • Biotechnology [BioPharma, AgriTechnology, BioServices, BioIndustrial, BioInformatics, Bio Energy BioFuels]

Use technology to create smart healthcare solutions for people residing in urban centres. A unified healthcare system, with collecting and sharing of data along with analysis and research practices, is what will determine the future of urban healthcare.


A city cannot be truly smart without smart water infrastructure. Develop technology solutions for more efficient plant operations, optimization of pumping, asset management, power usage optimization, leak detection, detection of contaminants, and consumer access to individual usage.


Sustainable food production is an urgent task, considering climate change and pressure on natural resources. How can technology contribute to food production in an urban environment.


Cities all across the world are growing a at a rapid rate. The transportation services should scale with the growing needs. Great infrastructure and transport is required for rapid expansions in every aspect. Develop smart transport solutions for growing needs of economy.


As our cities are getting bigger, we are piling up heaps of waste all around us. Come up with innovative ways to make urban waste management more automated and efficient.

Creation of Georeferenced Anaglyph image mosaic (Special Category)

Stereo Imagery products are designed for advanced image processing capabilities and photogrammetry, which are ideal for digital elevation model generation and 3D visualization of the terrain.  The advantage of stereo imagery is the ability to extract vector features and geographic features in 3D such as buildings, roads, manmade structures, and other terrain features. The sample dataset of Cartosat 1 stereo pair with RPC corrected files (4 adjacent pairs) will be provided or participants can also use their own data set from any other satellite programs.

Application for direct farmer connect (Industry / Individuals) (Special Category)

For many years, farmers in India have had little freedom in choosing markets and buyers for their produce. Farmers are selling their produce through state-owned mandis, retail markets where intermediaries squeeze farmers to increase margins.

In such a situation, can GIS technology-enabled solutions help Indian farmers to sell their produce directly to customers?

It is desired to have a platform wherein the farmers and consumers can interact directly.The platform should enable the farmers to directly record the availability of produce (type, variety, qty and cost) which can be consolidated and made available to consumers (traders, business houses and retail consumers). The participants can use the online available dataset or proxy data.

Block Chain and GIS for Land Transaction (Special Category)

In today’s globalized and highly democratized and decentralized geospatial data environment, there are multiple data owners and multiple parties claim different levels of authority on the data. In such an environment, a complete, correct and consistent data could only be created and maintained by collaborative management and mutually reconciled workflows where a new data sharing, decentralized data approving, quality assurance and data delivery model and mechanism needed.

Eventually, geospatial data owned by multiple institutes and even individuals force the conventional ownership and definitions of property rights to be adapted according to the new environment. The participants are to develop an application using blockchain technology in GIS-based land transaction. The participants can use the online available dataset or proxy data.

GIS for Runoff and Water management (Special Category)

Estimation and assessment of surface runoff is an important and relevant issue of hydrological, as well as geographical research and it directly influences the water management related issues. The components involved in Runoff estimation are soil texture, slope, curve number, and climatic factors. These datasets are available in many open source platform Indian Meteorological Department, Karnataka State Natural Disaster Management Centre etc.,

Bigdata for Villagewise - Water Budget Analysis (Special Category)

Big data analytics is the often-complex process of examining large and varied data sets to uncover information including hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends and customer preferences.  The water budget analysis include volume, velocity and variety of data set related to rainfall, humidity, temperature, evapotranspiration, crop yield, soil texture, lithology and geomorphology. 

These data sets for sample area will be exposed to participants. The participants can use the online available dataset or proxy data.

AI for Malnutrition and Climate relation (Special Category)

AI is accomplished by studying how human brain thinks and how humans learn, decide, and work while trying to solve a problem, and then using the outcomes of this study as a basis of developing intelligent software and systems. 

The malnutrition problem is indirectly proportional to climate variability, which is still un-tackled by health experts with available technology. The participants can use the online available dataset or proxy data.

ML for object recognition for landuse classification (Special Category)

The traditional method of acquiring the object’s information from the satellite image is through visual interpretation. The method needs the interpreter has the abundant geoscience knowledge and visual interpreting experience and the interpreter takes a lot of time to interpret it. Its labor intensity is high.

The quality of interpretation is affected by the interpreter’s experience and the familiarity of the region etc. This kind of problems can be overcome by machine learning for object recognition for land use classification and change detection.

GIS for effective Traffic management of Bangalore (Special Category)

The biggest challenge faced by Bangalore traffic police is managing ever-increasing traffic on roads. Bangalore has witnessed not only the exponential growth of population but also phenomenal growth in vehicles. As cities expand, the travel demand also increases leading to a high volume of traffic. Increase in volume of traffic without corresponding increase in road infrastructure has resulted in traffic congestion, perennial traffic jams, pollution and an increase in road accidents. Some of the significant problems leading to traffic congestion are;

a. Phenomenal growth in vehicular traffic b. Poor urban traffic planning c. Zero parking infrastructure and unregulated parking d. Traffic congestion and bottlenecks e. Increased journey time

The participants can use the online available dataset or proxy data.

The participants can download the sample data from the below link:

Prizes INR 9,00,000 in prizes

Main Prizes
First prize
INR 5,00,000
Second Prize
INR 3,00,000
Third Prize
INR 1,00,000
Special Prizes
Special Category Prize- Winner
INR 3,00,000
Special Category Prize- 1st Runners Up
INR 2,00,000
Special Category Prize- 2nd Runners Up
INR 1,00,000

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