Qiskit Hackathon Korea

174 Registered Allowed team size: 3 - 7
174 Registered Allowed team size: 3 - 7

Winners are announced.

Signup and Team Formation
starts on:
Feb 15, 2021, 06:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Feb 18, 2021, 09:00 AM UTC (UTC)
Building and Presenting
starts on:
Feb 18, 2021, 10:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Feb 19, 2021, 06:00 AM UTC (UTC)



Registrations are now closed. Thank you for your interest.

Welcome to the Qiskit Hackathon Korea! This event is being organized in partnership between KAIST, SKKU, and IBM Quantum. Throughout the 24 hour hacking phase, you will have access to IBM coaches who will help guide you and help answer your Qiskit-related questions.

IBM Quantum is an industry leader in quantum computing, working everyday towards achieving quantum advantage. Qiskit is the open source framework enabling developers around the world to write code for quantum computers.

How to sign up for the Korea Hackathon:

  • Register for the hackathon by clicking on 'Register Now'.
  • Join our place for conversation (TBD)
  • When you register, by default you are added as the team leader of your own team. You can either invite others to your team by clicking on “Build a Team” or join another team by clicking on “Join a team”.
  • Each team only can work on 1 project.
  • As a reminder, if you work for the government in any capacity, IBM Quantum cannot award you any prize money. See our Contest Terms for full details and restrictions.

How to create or support a project idea:

  • In phase one, from Feb 16th – Feb 18th, you can form teams and propose project ideas, but you can not begin building any of those ideas.
  • Participants are free to join or leaves teams until a project idea is submitted. However, you MUST have a team of at least 3 members by Feb 18th. If you do not, you will be disqualified from the hackathon
  • Once your team has submitted an idea proposal, your team becomes locked. No one else can join or leave after this. Your team will move ahead to phase 2, which is the “building” phase from Feb 18th - Feb 19th. This is when you work together to actually build your project using Qiskit.

How to build your project:

  • All projects should be built on Github. You can use your own personal account
  • Join our place for conversation (TBD)
  • HackerEarth acts as the organizer of this event, but Github and Slack are where the bulk of the work will happen.
  • Use the TBD channel within TBD to talk to coaches and get help when building your project.
  • Ensure all team members are actively involved in the project.

How to submit your project:

  • You may submit your project as many times as your like. Only the final submission will be judged.
  • All projects must contain the following in their submission
    • Project overview (3-4 sentences explaining what you built)
    • Link to the code on Github
    • A presentation (in the form of powerpoint or youtube video) of your project
      • Youtube – no longer than 6 minutes
      • PPT – no more than 12 slides

Judging Criteria:

All projects will be evaluated by a panel of judges using the following four categories:

  • Originality and Uniqueness (25%)
  • Usefulness and Complexity (25%)
  • Quantum Community Benefit (25%)
  • Digital Presentation (25%)


Quantum (Qiskit)

Use Qiskit to create a unique project. You can use it to explore gaming, algorithms, teleportation, or dozens of other quantum projects. For a list of sample project ideas, check here.


Main Prizes
Winning Team
USD 250

Awarded to the team who scores the highest in all 4 categories combined. Prize is NOT cash, but will be swag items and awards equaling that amount. (Max USD 50 per person)

Second Prize
Third Prize
Special Prizes
Community Choice Award (2)

Help & Support

Please contact event admin
HackerEarth Support at support@hackerearth.com
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