Microsoft Azure Hackathon

9620 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
9620 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

Winners are announced.

idea phase
starts on:
Mar 02, 2020, 10:30 AM ()
ends on:
May 04, 2020, 12:25 AM ()
Prototype Phase
starts on:
May 13, 2020, 12:30 PM ()
ends on:
Jun 01, 2020, 04:00 PM ()


Shortlist for Phase 2

Congratulations to the teams that made it to the next round!

Note: If your team was shortlisted for more than one idea, we recommend submitting a prototype for any of those ideas you seem fit.

Team ID Team name Team ID Team name Team ID Team name
807478 venkatesh802_c3db 811089 gokuafrica 838360 Smart Hub
806759 TechSquad 810977 Data Wizards 843005 anubhavh3_38ca
834386 ShareToSecure 834141 Senshi 841898 AR-Vision
823497 shreyas.b.venkatesh_965c 834302 Slow 843174 HackByte
823987 Cryptx 819513 Urban Trader 836524 Software Chaser
841811 arora.lakshya123_3592 833226 PDA_Monsters 843693 SettleFirst
832510 itsPKS 822330 CodeKrackers 808500 CrowdScanner
825383 Nucleus 814397 Hack O' Holics 843025 TeleVital
830087 fact-check 834839 Greenrisers 815284 Mitali_Rocks
836702 rajnish42413 833360 adarsh227_a4da 801780 abhijit210_2c3b
830871 vyorius_b1fc 815723 ayushi664_43be 842477 Covid19-Graph
822589 Tashiqa 841912 chanakya 834136 sayantan77_4806
802783 TechStars 832573 singhvisahil1973_ad64 817241 NerdCreds
835402 ranjoy.sen85_2ff4 819906 Inhaloo 817360 Enginerds
802897 Musketeers 820019 InsightSecurity 839242 Hack Covid19
800070 Exalters 834582 akash443_70f0 841562 Import Error
805548 SLIDE.AI 836014 dwarakanathvarunkumar_d7b6 843008 shivanibhawsar
817447 USS Enterprise 807528 Recursions 840375 vibhav44_0011
805067 RuntimeTerror 837504 kunupat_e75c 841406 dariasobolevaaa
800079 Straks 821907 arvind14101997_0145 835734 chandra80inbox_c3db
810001 noobCoders 843680 ruchika193_481d 805854 rayeeskm_9ecf
816856 Yempati_Karthik 834263 Koala Dev 811384 anuj.chandalia99_5996
843695 Fractal 843047 chamcham 803609 srinithya5_c5f5
842946 WeServe 834392 shama.katty_5ebe 801529 Dot_Decimals
842918 sridattach3_1d15 828149 sharma.ash80_9f76 801543 mayank152_ff56
823595 orbiculos 812039 Ash 833918 boopalan9_0080
824420 DailyTinkerers 830110 Cloud Flare 833146 Vasudha N
799619 Team Hacksters 806858 The NOobs 822284 chaitanya803_b67c
804482 Plus Ultra 837328 prashant1290_5d81 831179 amit2002_ead9
804980 Lite 801977 Optimus 821615 ShreyasKulkarni
825875 Headlights 842202 kanishka0688_ee6a 839302 trAIner
809678 forgeurself 841883 vjti 823199 Codebots
834869 moses45_ef87 817474 Indian Herokai 840919 Ferrari
820520 Alpha Boosters 837581 hodor 830829 vishwajeetsinghthakur2016_3c34
842382 siddharthkumar3_5a0a 805351 sudo 839189 JarVISE
837163 The U-Team 803800 CODE_COMETS 842278 20ne
842559 SocioTechies 809842 Lmntron 820467 adityask007_5f49
842893 hema119_a54c 810338 chekuri.chethansai999_71a1 808569 sangram10_9944
834166 Team SSK 799681 Team SAK 818731 mubashir2712_6442
836598 chilambwe_60e0 805304 Shams DeepIoT  841453
823794 Taka 814615 TimeLimitExceed 838073 anukoola23
800513 srjbsht857_de60 802254 kritikaaggarwal1994_a218 843669 teamtesseract.python_7c9a
819602 GreenCorridor 835569 VentMonitoring 820038 Goto
831608 kk23907.me_d80b 817110 The Metadaters  824418 harshit194_e19d
799100 Creator's Hub 810221 Team-cdos 818511 supreethsln_c940
812215 puneet16_8a1c 833787 arundhati.kanungo1504_b01d 835135 localizers
805849 nikhil486_c8ae 834542 anirbanjd.it_52e4 815828 dls2science_b4d0
813813 urwithdhanu_ecd2 832024 vedika2_ccd8 841753 anuraagsingh126_14cd
807840 aswini.subramanian_15ba 816542 Feripay 840965 aldrin.machado_aa83
801374 Deoxys 831753 Captain India    

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