AWS Hackathon

1991 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
1991 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

Winners are announced.

starts on:
Nov 21, 2018, 12:00 PM ()
ends on:
Jan 06, 2019, 06:25 PM ()



Main Requirements

Use must use two or more of the following services: Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Transcribe, Amazon Polly, Amazon Lex, Amazon Translate, and/or Amazon Rekognition.

User must use AWS Lambda to run your application's code. For example, you can use Lambda to call the language and vision API services when an event occurs (e.g. image is uploaded to S3, HTTP call). You can also use Lambda to process and store outputs into other AWS services.

  • What to Create:

Makers must build (or update) a working software application that runs on AWS Lambda and pairs at least two of the following services: Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Transcribe, Amazon Polly, Amazon Lex, and Amazon Translate (each an “Application”).

  • Functionality

The Application code must function as depicted in the video and/or expressed in any other materials submitted in connection with the Hackathon.

  • New & Existing

Applications must be either newly created by the Maker or, if the Application existed prior to the Hackathon Submission Period, must have been updated during the Hackathon Submission Period.

  • Testing:

The Maker must make the Application available free of charge and without any restriction, for testing, evaluation and use by the Poster, Administrator and judges during the Hackathon and until the Judging Period ends. Makers must make their Application available for testing by Including a link to the Application code on GitHub or BitBucket. The code repository may be public or private. If the repository is private, access must be given in the testing instructions provided with your Submission. Code will be used only for Application review and testing. Include all deployment files and testing instructions needed for testing your Application.

  • Multiple Submissions:

A Maker may submit more than one Submission, but each Submission must be unique and substantially different from each of the Maker’s other Submissions, as determined by the Poster and/or the Administrator. “Submission” means, collectively, the Application, video, entry information and any other material or information submitted by a Maker in connection with entry in the Hackathon.

  • SDKs, APIs, & Data:

Applications may integrate third-party SDKs, APIs and services, provided the Maker is authorized to use them.

  • Submission Recommendations:

Makers are encouraged, but not required to use other AWS services.

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